Chapter Three

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Third Person P.O.V

Five years have passed since that fateful day and nothing is the same.

Team Natsu is no longer. Lucy was the glue that brought the members together and without her they fell apart.

Erza now helps Mira with the bar, rarley going on missions.

Gray, however, goes on missions,  one right after another.

Wendy has become a very strong Dragon Slayer but she is now cold and   empty.

And Natsu.

Natsu is no longer loud and happy. He is quiet and broken.

The Fire Dragon Slayer only goes on missions that might have a possible lead to Lucy.

And when the day is all over he goes to her apartment to cry.


Today marks the anniversary of the Day Lucy Heartfilia left the Fairy Tail Mages.

In memory of the Celestial Mage the Fairies made a grave for her.

Today the missing wizards namaka are visiting her grave.

As the the guild Master Makarov leads the group he notices a figure sitting next to the stone grave.

Upon closer inspection he stops in his tracks and gives the brightest smile the guild has seen in years.

"Welcome back my child. " The master whispers into the wind.

Everyone in confusion stops and looks at the person who the master is smiling at.

Then Fairy Tail Guilds Fire Dragon Slayer pushes past everyone and and tackles the unknown figure to the ground.

The guild watched as their pink headed mage sobbed into the persons chest.

"I'm sorry. " The person whispered into the boys salmon hair.

Her fingers running through his pink locks.

"I'm so sorry Luce!" Natsu sobbed, burrying his head into the crook of her neck, taking in her scent never wanting to forget it again.

One by one all of Team Natsu walked over slowly collapsing to their knees, begging for the blonde woman's forgiveness.

"One Day. " Is what the mage said to their please.

Slowly one by one the whole guild stepped forward trying to near Lucy to hug her, but a certain Dragon Slayer kept growling at them.

The pinkettes eyes were slits and his lip was pulled back in a snarl letting everyone know that she was his and she was not leaving him.

"Wendy. " The Celestial Mage spoke softly.

The Wind Dragon Slayer flew in the air towards the mage.

Natsu growled but let it pass knowing that Wendy would never steal his Luce.

"Wendy. You've grown. " Lucy spoke like a mother consoling her crying child.

Wendy cried for the first time in five years. She screamed and sobbed as she was hugged and reasured by the rediscovered Celestial Mage.

"Welcome home Luce. " Natsu appeared behind the blonde and placed his head in the crook of her neck wrapped his arms around Wendy who's arms we're wrapped around Lucy's waist.

The Fire Dragon Slayer was happy with the Celestial Mage in his arms.

The Celestial Mage was happy in the arms of her Dragon Slayer.

Together these two created a glow that made the guild smile.

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