The bad things always happen

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Greece finished eating, he was the first one done and found it unusual, but he couldn't really do anything about it. He glanced over to Turkey who was happily munching away at his food. He felt happy to spend such a good moment with him. His mind though ended up drifting off, and he found himself deep in thought with images of his dead mother flashing through his head. He felt like he needed to see more of his past, like there was this void that needed to be filled.
Turkey happily took another bite. Out of the corner of his eyes he noticed that Greece had zoned out. He decided that it wasn't that big of a deal, but did want to know what he was thinking about. He swallowed his food and turned to look at Greece, "what's up?"
"The ceiling, why?" He looked up for a moment then back at Turkey, who couldn't help but laugh at that statement.
Cyprus and Egypt were deep in a conversation about who knows what, not even bothering to touch their food.
Turkey finished his food and left some money on the table, " c'mon Greece, there's this place I wanted to show you!"
Greece got up, "ok, where?"
"Don't you worry your pretty little head, just know that it'll be fun!" He took Greece's hand and walked back to Greece's house (Turkey left his car there) and got in his car, "you're gonna have a blast!" He turned the engine on and began to drive.
     Greece didn't travel much, but wherever he was being taken it looked really familiar. He sat up, "this is one of my beaches, why are we here?"
     "I got a boat a few months ago and haven't used it yet. So I figured that if you're having a tough time with your nightmares and memories, we might as well do something to distract you." He parked the car, "good thing most of your shorts are good for swimming!"
     Greece then noticed that both of them were in swim shorts. He then found it odd that even though it was a hot day and they were at a beach, Turkey was still wearing his normal dark green hoodie.
     "Well, my boat's on that dock over there, so let's go!" He got out of the car and immediately tripped.
      Greece glanced over to him with a cautious glance, "you okay?"
     Turkey got up and started laughing, "well that was unexpected!" He wiped some sand off of his face and continued walking towards to boat.
     Greece laughed a bit as well before catching up with Turkey.
     The boat was a bit larger than Greece had expected, but he knew that unlike him, Turkey had money and wasn't in as severe debt as he was. He stared at the ocean, he had been going to this beach since before Romano was born, and yet the sight of the ocean was still something that seemed new to him every time he saw it.
     Greece heard the rumble of the boat and turned to look at Turkey who was getting ready to set sail.

     Greece lied down in his bed, it was late, but he couldn't fall asleep. He looked at his blistered hands, but in the darkness he was unable to see anything. He listened in as his father snored loudly. He couldn't stand his father, in fact, he hated him. His father used to be against abusing children, but now he was having his own son hold burning pans and hitting him regularly. Greece got up and walked into Romano's room. He decided that he would not put up with his father any more.
     "Romano, wake up, we're leaving, but you need to be very quiet, ok?" Greece kept his own voice low, not wanting to wake up Rome. Luckily for them, Rome could sleep through anything.
     Romano sat up, still half asleep, "Kay."
     Greece gave him a piggy back ride as they left. He made sure not to make a sound, but managed to bring a map with them. It was a special map that his mother had made and on the back side of it there was a painting of two people standing by a tree. He had managed to find himself at the beach. He saw a shadowy figure in the distance, he walked up to it, "hello? Can you help us?"
     The figure turned around, "depends, what do you want?"
     "I'm looking for Mr.Turkey, I heard he's starting an empire, and I was looking to join."
     The figure laughed a little, "why would you want to join his empire? Who are you anyway?"
     "I'm Heracles, son of Rome and Greece. Rome's tyranny has lasted long enough and I don't think I could handle another day of it."
     "Well if you're looking to find Turkey then you're in luck. By the way, Greece's sons are dead. They were killed by Rome. You clearly don't hear much news, Heracles."
     "I'm not dead. Now please, I need to see Turkey!"
     The shadowy figure took his hood off, revealing short brown hair and a white mask, "I am Turkey. As I've said, Greece's sons are dead. They were killed by their father. I even saw her body, I know what Rome said."
     Greece turned around, "I guess I'll go then." His voice sounded hurt and broken. He walked away, unsure of where he'd go, but he knew that without help Rome would find him. He didn't want to go through what his father had put him through, but he knew that if he returned home, Rome would only get worse.
     Turkey walked next to him, "if what you're saying is true though, then who's that on your back?"
     Greece looked at him like he was an idiot, "Romano."
     "And what what's your mother's name?"
     "Athena, why? You said you wouldn't help me."
     "I knew your mother. She was a good woman, And not many people knew she had children. If you want to join my empire, then I won't force you. Follow me."
     Greece felt his heart skip a beat, "really? Thank you so much!" Greece followed him, overjoyed to finally have gotten away from Rome. He felt like he finally had a future ahead of him.
     "Don't worry about it kid."

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