History repeats

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Greece and Turkey left Greece's house. It was time for them to visit the local animal shelter again. Greece had been regularly receiving memories that he'd long forgotten for a few months, but his nightmares had gotten a lot worse. On the bright side though, he had a reason to see Turkey whenever he wanted. He adored Turkey and the memories he had been receiving recently had all been positive ones from when he was growing up with Turkey. Turkey was just as happy to be spending time with Greece, but he knew that he was suffering and wanted to stop it. He also wanted to stop Greece from getting some memories that very well could be worse than how he was treated when Rome was alive. Not everything between he and Greece was happy and calm.
     Greece saw a small fat grey cat and stopped to pet it. His hands brushed through its soft fur, but he felt as if he'd been electrocuted. His eyes clouded with memories that he should never have received. He jumped back away from the cat and stared in its eyes with horror. He glanced over at Turkey who was petting a three legged cat. Greece left the room, careful not to let Turkey notice. He exited the building and walked away. Something wasn't right and he needed to get away.
     He found himself alone at some old ruins. He sat down and stared blankly at the ground. He tried to make sense of the new memory but it was as if his subconscious knew it was bad and tried to seal away the important details. He was honestly terrified but he wasn't entirely sure as to why. He knew that everything was fine. Everything was going well, why panic. He felt his chest tighten with anxiety as his brain finally made sense of what had happened. No wonder Turkey seemed unwilling for him to remember certain things, he was hiding so much. He turned his head up to the sky, and attempted to think of calming things, like he had done when Rome was treating him like a slave and he'd had a particularly rough day.
     After a few hours he decided to visit France. He walked home and saw Turkey's car parked out on his driveway. He quietly made his way to the car. Turkey never locked his doors, so Greece stepped in. He hot-wired the vehicle and drove off. He saw Turkey run outside in a panicked manner and drove off. He knew that Turkey would be mad when he returned the car, but that didn't bother him now. He had to see France.
     He knocked on France's door and waited for him to open the door.
     "Why Greece! I wasn't expecting to see you, please come in mon frère." He stepped to the side to allow his brother in. Greece sat down on France's couch and sighed.
     "You were right. It caught up to me..."
     "Pardon? What do you mean?" France cocked his head to the side in blatant confusion.
     "When Rome died, you told me that the weight of my actions would catch up to me and you were right. I should have just done as Rome wanted instead of retaliating every chance I got. Things would have been better." Greece smiled weakly.
     "What are you talking about? What you did benefited everyone. Rome was corrupt and power hungry, you did the right thing. I should know, I'm the one who killed the Holy Roman Empire. I thought I'd do more damage than good, but now we have great nations out there, like Germany and Austria. Believe me, empires are best left dead."
     "And the Ottoman Empire that I was a part of for so long? Turkey is still alive! All the horrible crimes he committed are my fault as well."
     "Goodness, I thought you two were dating. What did he do to you?" France asked seemingly shocked.

     Greece smiled as he let the cat in the house. He assumed Turkey wouldn't mind having a cat in the house, especially since Turkey seemed to like cats as well. The cat made its way in and sat down on the rug. Greece sat next to it, petting the small fat grey cat. The cat eventually got bored and hid under a table. Greece got up and left as well, respecting the cat's wishes to be alone. He found his way into Turkey's study and found Turkey sleeping on some paper work. Turkey's mask was off, and Greece saw the scar that had been left on his face from a few years ago. It comforted him knowing how the wound had healed but was disappointed on how it scarred. Turkey had become increasingly irritable since that day. He'd mostly just yell for a bit then hide in his study, but more and more he'd been picking fights with everyone. He'd even gotten in an argument with Greece once over something so stupid and insignificant that Turkey himself had forgotten why he was yelling in the first place. Greece could handle arguments and even occasional fist fights. He always won the arguments and let Turkey tire himself out before they could get to the actual punches. Greece wondered if perhaps Turkey had started drinking like Rome. But at the end of the day they were still friends.
     Later that evening, Greece heard a loud thrashing noise along with some weird animal like noises. He walked over to see what the commotion was about and was horrified to find the cat's skull bashed in. Turkey held a bloody mallet and surprisingly was laughing.
     "What have you done?!" Greece's knees fell to the floor and he picked up the mangled corpse of the kitty.
     "I thought it was a rat, so I bopped it. Don't worry, there are tons more cats out there. You'll find a new one." He wiped some of the blood off of his hands.
     "I'd expect you to know what a cat looks like! You.." Greece was at a loss of words and was pissed off. He got up and stared Turkey down, "you know we don't have rats in the house! This is just cruel!"
     "It's just a cat. What's the big deal?"
      "The deal is you're no better than Rome!" He spat hatefully.
     "You're still mad at your daddy? Aw, did he give you a spanking? Well news flash, he wasn't that. Bad of a guy. Sure, he threatened war, but honestly he'd never follow through with it. He was a coward who couldn't even discipline his sons!"
"Really? He beat me on a regular basis and you say he couldn't discipline me? Really? Tell me this, when's the last time you weren't a coward? You loose every fight we get in and yet every morning you come crawling back, saying stuff like, 'oh I don't care about yesterday, there's nothing we can do about it now' and today is a new low for you! Killing an innocent cat? Saying that Rome was going easy on me? Calling him a coward when you backed down the minute he threatened war?"
"Wow, your mad, what'd I do? Yell at you? You're comparing me to Rome when we both know that you're the coward who surrendered to the Ottoman Empire the moment things got tough for you. Also, how was I to know we don't have rats, it's not like I'm the servant who cleans the place."
"Well I do clean, and I know we don't have rats. You don't have to be a servant to clean!"

The fight lasted hours and ended with Greece getting water boarded. The two were hostile around each other for months, fighting with words or fists when ever they were around one another.

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