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Greece stared at the small wooden cat. He would be getting out of the hospital finally, and he had received a lot more memories. He was surprised that he had been the reason Rome "disappeared" but he knew that it was probably for the best that he had done what he did. He heard Turkey walk in.
"Hey Turkey. How are you?"
"Great, you? Also, what memories have you gotten?" He took off his mask.
"Everything up to Rome's death."
"Oh? How did he die? As far as the world knows, he just disappeared one day."
"I killed him." Greece still held the wooden cat. He didn't want to tell him the full story, how could he?
"So, even how we met?" Turkey sat up.
"Yeah. I still don't understand what you don't want me to remember. Those two weeks we spent with you were the best two weeks of my life."
"Well, let's just say that you later joined the Ottoman Empire and things didn't go so well." Turkey heard the doctor walk in and put his mask back on.
"Well Mr.Greece, you've recovered a lot quicker than anticipated, so all we need you to do is sign a couple forums and you'll be free to go. "

Turkey drove him home, "tomorrow, we'll pet all the cats you want."
Greece smiled and got out of the car, "see you tomorrow then." He waved as Turkey drove off. He walked inside and saw the cursed objects. He knew that he'd seen too much already, but it was unbelievably tempting to see more. He put the wooden cat with them. He stared at the ring, it didn't fit his thumb any more but it fit his ring finger just fine. He smiled at it, knowing that whatever hard times are ahead, that he'd always have Turkey, even if he was the cause of most of his hard times.
He took another object, a small chip that had broken off of a sword.

Greece left the colosseum. He didn't know where to go, so he went to the same person he went to last time he didn't know what he was going to do, Turkey. He decided to stop by his house first so that he could get his mother's old map. His brothers weren't home, he didn't think they'd ever come back home though. He looked around his father's room and was unsuccessful. He then remembered leaving the map at Turkey's. He sat down felling defeated. He didn't remember how to get to Turkey. He decided that he'd try anyway.

     About a week later, he made it. He knocked on the door. He was concerned that Turkey wouldn't accept him due to what Rome had told him.
     Turkey opened the door and smiled widely when he saw the young nation, "Greece! Great to see you, where's your brother?"
     "It doesn't matter. Rome's gone and I need a place to stay. Can I still join the Ottoman Empire?"
     "Of course! Also, I'm sorry about that incident a few years ago, he threatened war and a war against Rome is a loss no matter how many soldiers you have."
     "That doesn't matter now. Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me." He smiled.
     Turkey had him sit at a table, "so, what should we tell the historians? They'll want an interesting story on how you joined my empire!"
     "I don't really care, just as long as Rome isn't mentioned." He felt a little overwhelmed. It had been so long since he'd been this happy.
     Turkey handed him some food, "well then, that simplifies things?"
     A year later, Greece was practicing his sword fighting skills with Cyprus. They were wooden swords of course, and Greece was kicking Cyprus's ass.
     "You're too good at this! Wanna try again later?" Cyprus asked.
     "You just need to fix your stance and shift your weight! But if you want to call it quits, then fine." He smiled.
     An arrow whipped past his head. He stared out at where it could have come from. Greece spotted Austria in the distance. He ran off to get Turkey.
     "Austria's attacking!"
     Turkey was sewing something, but immediately put it down, "oh? From where?"
     "The north western side of the house."
     "Make sure everyone is armed, k?"
     "Ok!" He located the others who were under the ottoman rule at the time and informed them on the situation.
     Hungary smirked, "this is our chance at freedom!" She quickly armed herself and took off.
     Greece stared in confusion, "wait, freedom? We're under attack? How's that freedom?" He helped arm the others and himself.
     Outside, the Austrian army surrounded them, but Turkey seemed to have the situation under control. When the Austrians retreated, they had Hungary with them.
     Turkey seemed a little tired when he walked back inside.
     "Are you ok?" Greece stood by his side. It felt like the only thing the Austrians really wanted was Hungary, but they still put up a decent fight. He noticed a bit of blood dripping from the left side of Turkey's mask.
     Turkey took it off and took care of the gash that was over his eye. Greece had never seen Turkey take his mask off until then. Turkey had bright gold eyes. The color suited him. Greece was surprised that he had just so casually took his mask off though. Turkey handed him the mask, "could you wash this please?"
     Greece nodded and washed it off. When he came back he found that Turkey had finished cleaning the wound.
     "Thanks kiddo!" He put the mask back on.
     "Why do you wear that mask all the time?" Greece cocked his head to the side.
     "Well, I guess I just started wearing it one day." He gave Greece a warm smile, "you know? It's like how Rome wore his cape, or how your mother always wore that bronze bracelet that I gave her when I was little."

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