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The two had a great time sailing. Turkey did everything he could to make it fun, but eventually it came time for them to turn back, so Turkey turned the boat around. The two were having too good a time to notice that there were rocks underneath the boat. Greece stood by the edge of the boat, he had almost forgotten about his nightmares. The boat suddenly hit an unusually large rock. The boat capsized.
     Turkey held his breath as he hit the water. He couldn't see Greece through all of the rocks.
     When the boat flipped, the part of the boat that hit the water first was the part Greece was on. Greece lost his balance, and unable to take hold of the boat, he crashed into the water. He landed head first on a rock. His vision blackened.
     Turkey swam to the surface for air, as he surfaced, he noticed some blood towards the other end of the boat. He swan over and saw that it was coming from something caught under the boat. He found his way over, only to find that it was Greece. He quickly got Greece to the surface. He found a bit of wood and propped Greece up on it, Greece was unconscious and his head was bleeding. Turkey looked out in the distance and saw land. He swam over to shore with Greece. Once Greece was on land, he listened for a heartbeat. It sounded like Greece was hyperventilating due to how rapid his heart was pounding. He saw a nearby person and asked for them to call an ambulance.
     He stared back at Greece, he knew that he'd be fine considering how nations can survive even the most dangerous and life threatening events. He lifted him up into his arms as he heard a siren sounding in the background. He got up and watched as the paramedics took him to the closest hospital.

     Greece was dreaming, he knew he was dreaming. He had just hit his head on a rock while spending time with Turkey. He looked around, he was never capable of remembering his dreams, so he knew that he needed to be prepared for anything. He was suddenly at the beach, Turkey was in front of him, but he looked a lot taller. He heard words come out of his mouth that he couldn't recall ever saying. Turkey spoke back and so on. Greece felt his body turn around and start walking. He suddenly slipped backwards and started falling down a pit. He felt something cold and wet on his back, he turned to look at it only to find a horrific creature latched onto his back. He then landed in water, but at such a way that his whole body hurt from impact. He was unable to breathe, so he tried swimming, but, he noticed that he was still falling. Everything blackened. He was then approached by a bright light that made his eyes burn. He was able to breathe again, and he heard frantic voices. He opened his eyes slowly, but eventually realized that the creature was practically in his face. It began eating him, slowly ripping off chunks of flesh until he was nothing. He was forced to watch and feel everything. He was unable to call for help, but even if he could, who would have saved him from himself?

     Greece's eyes slowly fluttered open. His head hurt, and he had a breathing mask on. He could hear Turkey talking to someone, he assumed it was the doctor.
      Turkey walked over, "Greece! You're awake! Thank goodness! I was worried, they said that there was a possibility you'd end up in a coma. How're you feeling?"
      "I hurt, that's for sure." He tried to sit up, but he hurt a little too much, "I remember what I dreamt for once."
     "Oh?" Turkey sat down, he felt like he was flooded with concern and had too many questions he needed to ask Greece, but "oh" was all he could muster out.
     "I got eaten. It hurt! I couldn't call for help and it wouldn't stop. The creature that ate me was soaking wet, red, had the body shape of a large dog, huge golden eyes, and these weird teeth that protruded from it's face! And it just kept eating and eating!" The heart monitor began to beep at a mildly alarming rate.
     "It's ok, look, you're intact. Nothing has been eaten, and the only thing that's hurt is your head." Turkey attempted to soothe him, "what could I do to make you feel better?"
     "They don't allow cats in hospitals, do they?"
     "No, but once you get out, we can play with all the cats you want."
     Greece smiled, "that'd be nice" he paused for a moment, can you get me some of the things that Romania had cursed? I'm fairly certain that I have a concussion, so I won't be able to sleep. I'd like something to think about while I'm here."
     "Sure, if that's what you want." He kissed his forehead and left.

     Turkey came back with the items and placed them on Greece's bed, "visiting hours will be over soon, so I've gotta go, bye." He left.
     Greece smiled and gently took hold of an old ring.

     Greece followed Turkey to his house. He hurt from holding Romano for so long, but he knew that soon everything would be better.
     Greece and Romano lived with Turkey and a few others for two weeks. They had been the best two weeks of their lives. Turkey would often give everyone who lived at his house some gifts that he'd obtained from battle.  But as all fate would have it, nothing good lasts long.
     "Greece, Romano! Someone's here to see you." Turkey called. There was a sense of dread in his voice, and it was clear to Greece that something bad had happened. The two came over to see him anyway.
     "Yes?" Greece asked, but he was quickly answered as he saw who Turkey was with. Rome stood there in his usual pompous stance. He smiled as he saw his sons.
     "Hey kiddo, your playdate is over. Time to go home." His smile was soft, but his eyes were empty. If they had any emotion in them it'd be rage.
     Greece stepped back, "no! I don't want to go home!" He felt betrayed by Turkey. He had told him what his father did! He knew that Greece would only be hurt if he went home! How could he?
     "Sorry about him, he's a bit of a problem child and a liar. He ran away after I told him that he was too young to cook. He burned his hands, blamed me, then took his brother and left. I'm sorry to bother you. Please understand that it's for his own good that he comes home. He gets sick often and it's very contagious. He got his mother sick and 'put her out of her misery', again, I'm sorry about him."
     Turkey gave Greece and concerned glance, "oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know."
     "It's ok, how were you to know? He lies to everyone." Rome said in a convincing pitiful tone.
     Greece stared at him, unbelieving in what was happening. He was unable to contain tears as he shouted, "I watched you kill mamma! I'm never sick, and I'm not a liar!" He hugged Turkey's leg, "don't let him take me! I don't want to hurt anymore!" He was kicked off. He stared at Turkey, appalled in what was happening.
     "I'm the one who should be sorry Rome. It must be hard having it live with you. If you ever need help, you know where I live."
     Rome picked up a very confused Romano, "it's alright, thank you." He glanced over to Greece, "come on, let's go home."
     Greece obeyed, terrified of what kind of beating he'd get if he stayed any longer. As he passed Turkey, he couldn't help but think about how much he hated him., "how could you?" He whispered.

     Once they were far out of earshot from Turkey, Rome started yelling at Greece, "running away from a warlord, the nerves! You must be the dumbest person out there! Did you really think you'd get away with that?" The nagging lasted hours. When they got home, Greece was shocked to find that he'd be sleeping outside, chained up like a dog. Romano had been brainwashed by Rome into thinking that Greece was evil. Italy and France visited the house often, and eventually they moved in. France got Greece's old room and Italy got to share a room with Romano. The three of them were convinced that Greece was as Rome said, a sickly manipulative liar with no regard for the rules.

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