Coming back?!

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I thought I was brave enough to let go
But it turns out I wasn't.

Walking this noisy, crowded hallways, still I see you. I tried to look away but my eyes just misses you.

There were times I just wanted to meet you, and tell you

Hey, 보고 싶어. I miss fighting with you, messing with your hair, and just everything in between.

I thought this would come to an end
When it happened, the moment
It's all a mess.

I never showed how much I loved you
I never told you how much I missed you
I was never brave enough to do it
I was never strong enough to handle it

If only my heart spoke instead of my mouth
I should've told you
You would know
But what's the difference

It's not like youre gonna like me back
I know there's something I lack
I'm not her, I'm not cute, kind to you
I'm mean, I'm a total opposite

There's to much to tell

You always made my day
No matter what they say, think or do
Through hard times and good times, I will stay
Even when in their eyes I'm just a fool.

It was PE day today and we just got back to the classroom from gym. I saw them, practicing. It was so hard to ignore, that tall figure, but I tried not to care, looking straight as if they were never there at all.

I went to the classroom, and get my clothes to change. I'm wet and hot as hell, not to mention to take it seriously. I walk out and pass by them again ignoring his presence. After changing, I fixed my hair and everything. We went down to get some water to drink. I admit it was hard to smile or get a little hurt from what I saw.

Keeping my mouth shut, silence begins to fill up the air. A lot of things going on my mind, as if he is what I'm trying to find. We went back to the classroom and yet their where still there, inhale, exhale, ignore. In my peripheral vision, I was eyeing his face, his eyes were following mine back. I had chills and everything. I was confused. What was happening?

Danica, poked me on my shoulder seeking my immediate attention. I asked why she said " He was looking at you". Acting as if I don't care at all I said " What about him? I don't give a fuck to whatever he does. "

This is all coming back,
The jack has been back in his box.
It came back like a heartbeat of a dying person
Like the vision of the blind
Like the rain in the desert, he was back.

I wish, I could just die
And this life, I'm living a lie
Letting go must I do
But why is it so easy for you?

To just ignore the my presence
Looking like I'm a ghost you don't see
Am I still a friend ? Or an enemy
Because your coldness I can sense.

Crawling up my spine
The pressure as I walk
Heavier than gold was my feet
Not having the chance to talk.

The old us is now nowherre to be found
No even seeing each other or hearing the sound

The feelings I thought was expired
Is now back and I'm getting tired
To just see you from a far
But hoping you know you're still in my heart



안녕하세요 여러분! Hello everybody ~

Indeed making this was a challenge but I got some motivation to start writing again. Back in the ol' days I used to write cheesy romance clichés now I'll try to spice it up a bit until it becomes your favorite one.

I have a surprise for all my readers, and I won't make this a cliffhanger. Those past chapters you've read is just the prologue of the story. I hope you'll enjoy the rest and continue reading it, the story has just began and I hope you'll stick to it til' the end.

감사합니다 사랑해~ Have a great dayy 💕💕

- Jaimee 💖

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