Chapter 9

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I stood up as Alex left, feeling quite worried as to why they reacted the way they did. Was there something they knew about the unidentified victims? Or perhaps something was bothering them. I was curious and concerned.

"Peculiar," I heard Kalle comment as he folded his hands on the table. I sighed.

"Yeah, but I'm really worried. This isn't the first time they've reacted this way to the mention of murders," I told him, looking towards the glass doors of the restaurant. A serious look on Kalle's face began to form.

"Not the first time, eh?" he questioned, pausing before his emerald green eyes slowly moved from the door to me, "Sei, I may sound crazy here, but what if it's for some kind of reason?"

I raised an eyebrow and looked at my childhood friend. "What exactly do you mean by that?" I asked. I mean, it is quite obvious my best friend has some sort of issue with whatever we mention. Though, I can't exactly tell what it would be. I want to say they have some sort of trauma, but I don't want to assume things that may not be true.

"I mean....okay, let me just be straightforward," Kalle said, before sitting back and continuing to look at me, "What if they're connected to the murders in some way?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, questioning why he'd even dare to make an accusation like that. I doubt Alex ever had a part in any of the recent murders. "Don't be silly, Kalle. That's ridiculous."

"Is it, Seiko?" he questioned, to which I sighed and took a step towards the door, wanting to ignore their words for now.

"I'm gonna go check on them," I informed Kalle, before he reached across the table and grabbed my wrist. I stopped in my tracks.

"Hear me out, Seiko. You remember how there wasn't really any evidence with Loralei and Cyan's deaths, right? And your friend out there can move stuff with their mind, right?" Kalle went on, "I'm not saying that they did it, but it's possible. Very possible. Besides, haven't you told me once they spend a lot of time with themself?"

I thought for a moment, but I shook my head. I doubted it all. "Alex would never do such a thing," I told Kalle bluntly, before slipping my wrist out of his hands and walking towards the door. I wanted to question why he'd accuse such a thing, but then I started thinking about it. I mean, Kalle wasn't exactly wrong. Alex's powers would indeed allow them to effortlessly kill someone without leaving evidence. Though, I knew how they were. They wouldn't dare kill someone, would they?

I shook my head as I met the evening air, the sun obviously gone as darkness replaced the earlier gentle light that filled the streets. I looked to my left and my right, spotting nothing but bright streetlamps and eerily empty sidewalks. The occasional car and tram would pass, but nothing else. It all gave me an unsettling feeling.

I stepped farther out onto the sidewalk, looking for any sign of my friend in the light that streetlamps and dimly lit store signs cast upon the street and sidewalk. I was beginning to grow worried as my pulse accelerated from anxious and intrusive thoughts. I decided to call out their name, hoping they'd hear me and at least show me they're out here and okay. Though, I was nervous over the fact that this might not work.

"Hey, Alex, are you still here!?" I shouted into sky, listening to my voice echo through this small section of the city. I waited a moment, only to receive silence and rumble of distant car motors. I decided to try again, shouting lounder until I heard what sounded like the grunt of a human being to my right. Immediately, I jogged towards the sound, secretly fearing what was around the corner.

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