The Lowest Low

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The fur on the scruff of Ashley's neck stood up, ruffled in apprehension. He lowered his head down to sniff the syringe and immediately jumped back. It smelled so strongly of various chemicals, but most importantly it smelled of Andy. Not a lot, but his scent was definitely there.
So where was he? Who did this? Where did they take him?
There was no doubt in Ashley's mind that it was a human who did this. He could smell their stench. It was nauseating. Amidst the awful smells, he could just barely pick up a trail of Andy's scent. It was probably wishful thinking, but maybe if he followed it, it could lead him to Andy. It was a trail of bread crumbs, but it was something Ashley was willing to do if it meant he could get to his love.

There was a light. It wasn't bright, and it wasn't all that close, but Andy could see a light. His vision was fuzzy, probably from having to adjust to the small bit of light that imposed on the pitch blackness.  He lifted his head and scoot himself up to the front of the cage he was confined in.
"Hello...?" He croaked.

The figure took slow steps towards him, a light following him. A flashlight?
"Good morning, Andy." The voice was female. He squinted a bit, struggling to make out her face. Her hair was shoulder length and blonde. That's all he could tell... "My name is Brooke. I'll be studying you for the next few months, is that okay?" She knelt down to him, her lab coat touching the floor.
Andy glared. "No.." He growled.
"I figured you'd say that." She sighed heavily, beginning to unlock the cage. Before opening the door, she paused. "In case you try anything, I should inform you that there are men armed with weapons on the other side of that door."

Andy grimaced and stayed put when the cage door swung open. He knew better than to test that, because he just could tell she wasn't lying. He wanted to get out alive, not in a body bag.
Brooke reached out and used her small flashlight to examine Andy's eyes. Andy pulled away and rubbed his eyes, vision full of spots after getting exposed to the harsh flashlight.
"You're completely sobered up and aware. Good." She stood again. "Follow me."
Andy hesitantly crept out of the cage and struggled up to his feet. He hissed as he felt his joints pop and bones crack. Being in a cramped cage for the past few days wasn't exactly ideal for comfort.

"What do you want with me... Where are the others.." He muttered, looking around to see his cage was the only one in the room.
"We relocated them." Brooke responded. "You're the one we want."
"You're the perfect mix of wolf and human..." She shrugged. "Adapted to both worlds. Your mate, Ashley, is too adapted to being human. Your children are still adapting."
"Don't touch them." Andy scowled.
Brooke laughed lightly as she opened the door. "Did you not hear me? You're the one we want, Andy. Not them."
"But why. What is there to study. What do you think you're going to find." Andy clenched his jaw.
"We want to try and remove either the wolf or human DNA from bloodstreams. It's simply not normal for someone to have two forms like that. We're only making the cycle of life easier for us normal humans." She tilted her head. If Andy wasn't concerned for his family, then he would have smacked her right then and there. They weren't abnormal. They were their own species; they were who they were and they didn't need some lame ass doctor to 'help fix' them. Brooke pulled the door open and kept it open for Andy. "If all goes well, you'll be able to return to your family." She assured with a sickeningly sweet smile. 
Andy cautiously stepped through the door Brooke was holding open for him. He looked around, seeing it led to a simple hallway. It wreaked of chemicals and blood... Possibly the most unsettling combination of smells.

"In here." She opened a door on the other side of the hallway and Andy silently went in. "Shift."
Andy looked at her over his shoulder. "I'm sorry?" He scoffed.
"We already took samples of your human DNA." She rolled her eyes. "Now we need some when you're a wolf."
"Hell no!"
Brooke narrowed her eyes. Something about the look in her eyes told Andy that she wasn't in the mood to put up with this. "You know, all it will take is one phone call, and I could have your precious family wiped out before you can even say 'oops.'" She said dangerously. "Don't make me make that call, Andy. It's on you."

Andy's heart pounded in his chest. He couldn't jeopardize his children or Ashley like that. Without another word being uttered from his mouth, Andy allowed himself to shift. Brooke smiled, her threatening demeanor fizzling away.
"On the scale." She pointed to the scale in the corner of the room. Andy stepped onto the scale, keeping his gaze down. He listened as she scribbled down notes and numbers on her clipboard.

Eventually she got a needle jabbed into Andy, and he had to sit there through the discomfort as she took quite the blood sample. When it was over, she stored the blood in a portable cooler and looked at him.

"You know... You're quite a beautiful wolf." She murmured. "It's a shame that we're going to extract that DNA."
Andy snarled, but she didn't seem too threatened as she laughed and left the room. When the door shut behind her, Andy looked down hopelessly. He sank to the floor, burying his nose in his paws. Ashley had to find him soon. He just had to.

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