Chapter 2

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I fell asleep clinging on to Ryder's shirt , as well as , our memories , I even dreamt of us kissing , hugging , drinking coffee at that downtown cafe , that was always empty.

He wasn't a fan , but with me , he didn't care , he'd do the impossible if I wanted & just like him , I'd do the impossible if he wanted & small parts of my dream consisted of Jonah , laughing , his curls falling gently on his forehead & simple things we did or when he would third wheel , I loved da kid.

I made myself some eggs & bacons , who else would do it ?

Id sign up for some online classes & sent in some job applications , how long could I feed off my dead parents ?

I'd taken out some clothes to go to the club , id finally become legal , but deep down I still felt like the little girl clinging to her mom's expensive gown , when she'd travel across the world to go to some fancy gala & would have to stay with the maid like always.

I'd always been alone. I'd always been lost. But , maybe someday I'd get found , that was my dream.

It was time , my makeup was perfect , winged eyeliner sharp as a blade & my highlight & contour nicely blended with my foundation , I looked nice.

My dress was short , Ryder or Jonah would never let me wear this when we go out together as a group , it was my mom's. My ass made it shorter & as pathetic as it sounded I'd stuff my boobs to get a little cleavage , but I looked great ! Yummy.

The different coloured lights shun brightly & pretty girls danced on the pole , like pros , twisting , turning , climbing , whining , with a seductive look & smile.

I blushed as the security smirked , not even asking for my id , perv.

I entered , a shocked face as I saw Fez' Dolls dancing wildly , as fez stood looking , smirking.

He was perfect.

Earned it started playing and I couldn't help my hips from moving with the beat , most of the guys eyes turned to me , til every eye was on me & I smirked , waiting on a song to twerk & lose control.

I was having fun , I felt happy , free.

This was nice ; amazing.

I felt two hands grip my waist , these weren't male hands & slowly grind on her as she lowered her hands , I'd been drinking and I didn't care , but I slowly turned my head , blushing as I realized it was Asia , one of the Dolls' , she was prettier in person.

" Fez would love to see you , he's been watching you all night & well he's fascinated , I am too. "
She whispered in my ears , letting the hair on my neck raise.

" oh ok , " I said , following behind her as she walked off ,

He had a lil stub on his face from not shaving for like a week or something , his hair was tossled , like he'd been running his hands through it , his eyes had me drowning in the pool of blue , with a light twinkle of green , beautiful , he was good looking , perfect & idk , but he put on his shades , as seen in his videos.

" Would you like to be one of my girls' ? "

" Aren't you a bit straight forward ? "

I rolled my eyes , ( I'd love to ! )

" can't answer a question with a question princess " he licked his lips

I was done.

Yummy daddy.

" mmm , I make exceptions to the rules , I guess "

" Come over for a week , I'd love that , if it's not your style , you can leave. "

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