wear a smile

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Preview of the last chapter ...
" my favorite tattoo? Is the one on my hand it's a small smile  " he said smiling "  I don't know if  you heard my dear but you gotta wear a smile around me "
Back to next chapter ...
Harley looked up at the psychotic man as he smiled again as he showed his grills
" Mr j .. How about telling me about your childhood " she said a little bit more confidently   ..
" OH oh my childhood .. Now that's a tricky thing ... I had an .. Drinking dad I guess you could Harley " he laughed again
" say that I was a little bit of a messed up child .. He took me to the circus once and when I saw the clowns and I saw " he suddenly stopped and looked at Harleen smiling and laughed
" what about you miss Doctor what was your childhood like ?" He said and looked at her In a way it made  her have goosebumps , oh but what she didn't know was that the joker knew all about her .. He called her a piece of pie when he found out she was gonna be his doctor.  She  looked up again from her notes  and cleared her throat
"  we are done mr j " she got up and  walked towards the door the same time as the guards opened it
" HAVE A NICE NIGHT PRETTY.. " she heard the joker say  while she  left the room ... She quickly walked  towards her office and closed the door quickly ... And breathed out  and started to think about  again joker..  Her thoughts started to flood with him and she took her file out of her notes sitting on her chair and looked at it  again  " nothing .. " and she was right it was nothing she knew nothing about him , as far as the story and  crimes .. At that moment when he told her the story  about his drunk father she felt a little closure with him , she knew the pain because her father used to be a drinker too , ' maybe he has hope after all ' she thought , she grew more curious than scared of him as much as she thought about it . She grabbed her bag and the joker files with her and  started to walk out of that place ,  all of a sudden lost in her own thoughts she got a call from her boyfriend  Jared
. " hey baby , are you getting home yet .. I miss you " he said , she meet Jared while she was in the university  , typical romantic story huh ? They feel " Inlove " as you call it and started dating ever since
. " heyyyy handsome I'm just getting out of work right now " she said smiling starting to walk towards her car.
"ah good amazing , so how was the session with that criminal you got " he said over the phone a little concerned. Did I forget to mention  ? Jared was the one Made the arrest for the joker .. Batman just did the rest of the beating. "oh don't worry he didn't hurt me , he's just creepy very very creepy " she said laughing  starting to drive towards their place . Harleen couldn't sleep that night  , the thought of the joker was still on her head .. She got  out of bed and walked towards his file sitting on the kitchen table  re-reading it like she's read before . Shes made up her mind to help him , maybe cure what many said cant be cured . 

Today was gonna be a good day , Harley 's mind was made up . She was to cure the joker.  Like many times she's done before she goes to work she kissed her boyfriend grabbed a donut and made her way towards the car. On her way towards the Arkham asylum you could hear the police sirens everywhere . It was normal.  But as she got to the asylum   in a happy state mood for her new patient , she was informed that the joker couldn't come to the  session . So . She did what any doctor would have done , she went towards his cell.  " yeah the freak is having some psychotic episode that nobody can speak to him " the guard said chuckling " well I can  , take me towards him " " miss Doctor lady  I can't boss said that nobody was to enter his cell except himself " the guard said  " listen here you giantor freak , that is a human being right in there and if I have any chance of helping him I  will do it " I said getting close towards him and he backed up against the door did the cell " alright alright  it's your choice lady "  he put his hands up in a defeat .. As he opened the door for her . the cell looked like it was a prison cell but it was double locked  , and there he was in his bed ruffling his hair mumbling the same name " Denise Denise " he said  as  she closed the door and he lashed out at her backing Harley up against the outer wall of his cell gripping her on the throat tightly .. "  WHAT .. Are you doing here ? Huh " he said  " huh "  slapping the metal wall next to her making her jump slightly " I came to see how you were " she said barely breathing  " his grip lightened up  and he smiled again but that smile was broken " nobody cares about me .. Why do you ? " he said whispering in her ear .. he looked at her as he had his flashback again of his pass life .. As he let her go ..  He was working for ACE chemicals  and he had a wife and a kid on the way  .. Then he started to see him being young out of college with a kid and happy starting to work for them until  a mob started to fuck with people in the factory .. They started to ask for money and when they turned to him .. He didn't have any  , they spared his life that time but not hers as soon as he got home he found Denise dead with her  throat cut open  drowning on her own pile of blood , finally he had the flashback of what turned him to the man that  he is now .... The joker shook his head as he leaned towards his cell for support and gripped on his hair tightly " CANT you understand I'm fucked up .. Nobody can cure me " he said yelling at her as she had her hand on her mouth the whole entire time .She's  never witness something so heartbreaking as this , she's had patients who's gone to the army and have had these kind of breakdown but not like his .. She slowly walked towards him looking at him " I'm .. So sorry about your wife .." She said in a low  voice " he looked up at her  glossy eyes " she was 20 .. " , the joker kept rubbing his head  ... As the door quickly opened  and the main guard  quickly pulled her out of the main cell yelled at her " are you fucking crazy ! We can barely  let you be alone with him for 2 hours when he's normal and in a straight jacket but  when he's fucked up like this he kills everyone " he yelled at Harley  as she was in state of shock , she's seen what nobody seen ever in their life , the joker tear up .. /////////// GUYS I HOPE YOU LIKE IT I HOPE YOU LIKE THE CHAPTER I GOT THE IDEA FROM jemsworld please CHECK OUT HER UPCOMING STORY OF THE JOKER AND YES IVE TWEAKED SOME IDEAS OF HIS ORGIN STORY BUT LIKE AND COMMENT I ALSO WENT OVER THE CHAPTER AND FIXED MY GRAMMAR MISTAKES BECAUSE IM A DUMB FUCK DUH.

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