Chapter 5

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My phone was buzzing since I got in last night I must have went past my limit cause I don't remember shit but my bitch busting at a nigga and the rest was a blur . Lately this is how I've been coping with Cortez being gone I missed my man so much that it was unbearable I felt alone most the times and I even started having nightmares about Jayceon .

I knew Paris and Royal wanted to meet up again and I honestly needed to hurry and get dressed knowing I was always the last one I did my hygiene thing and applied my favorite Victoria Secret Lotion " Such a flirt " with the matching perfume once  I was done I got dressed in something comfortable since I was on my monthly and didn't feel like being fancy .

I finally checked my phone notifications noticing it wasn't worth checking I did a quick pop up on my social medias just to lurk a little. A knock on the door made me jump causing me to bump into the counter knocking over my glass ashtray. I rushed down the stairs to see who the hell was even knocking and to my surprise it was Money dressed in just a pair of basketball shorts and Nike slide in sandals .

A'riah- what are you doing here?
First of all , Second of all why are you half dressed ?

Cortez - you aren't excited to see me ? You didn't miss your man? Or are you still stuck on that dead man?
He's little joke sent chills down my spine making me upset that he would joke around like it haven't been 2 weeks since he even step foot on our doorstep let alone called to check on me what the hell I could've been dead upstairs and this nigga walking around joking.
A'riah- Ha ha ha you just got the jokes don't you? but actually I did miss you but I noticed you weren't missing me so I did what I had to do and now all your shit is in the pool house  you can get the rest whenever I get around to packing it or I might be too stuck on that " dead man " .
He looked at me like I pissed in his cereal I don't even know why he thought shit would be sweet after two fucking weeks oh no honey this is not that he could have never thought I was that type bitch . And it just pissed me off more to the point I wanted to actually hit him but instead I walked away before the neighbors called the police and I get domestic violence.
Cortez - You fucking walking away like I'm really bout to fly with that shit bitch I'll kill you if you ever fucking say you stuck on another man besides me you fucking hear me A'RIAH  I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!
I jumped a little by the base in his voice but I wasn't scared of him I would actual be the one to kill him little does he know.
A'riah- I don't know why your yelling but chill the fuck out before I blow your shit back you loud mouth hoe I don't even understand why you thought it would be okay to be gone for two weeks and come back here like I'm not your woman like maybe we don't live together honestly I want to punch you dead in your shit for disrespecting me . But instead I will simply leave Cortez I don't have this to do you go back to where you were playing house at cause this home is broken goodbye.

Walking away from him broke my heart or maybe not broke it but I was going through a whole different faze I was beyond hurt My anxiety got to kicking in I continued to wonder who the hell he was laid up with, how the fuck does he have extra clothes because he didn't walk out of here with those shorts or sandals. I hurried and lit the blunt that was awaiting for me in the ashtray I wanted to just cry but I was all out of tears they dried up after those two weeks.

I was so hungry after smoking that good ass bud and  so under dressed I was so upset I didn't change into some real clothes so I was stuck with some NIKE fuck me shorts and a tank top with no bra so my piercings were very visible my hair was pulled into a messy bun but my brows & lashes were popping if I do say so myself .  I pulled up to Rooster I wasn't in the mood for any fake food and was craving some hot wings when I walked in I felt like the whole left side was watching me I walked towards the bar knowing I would need a drink I ordered my food and looked over at a fineeeeeeee light skinned brother he was tatted up with all types of symbols and bricks and his swag was just dripping sauce I found myself getting aroused by his looks and just looking at his juicy moist pink lips didn't do any better. Before I could look away he caught me in the mist of licking my lips He smirked and glanced at the clock . Like maybe he was on a time limit I quickly looked away and when I did my food arrived I ate a little  and ordered me a large strong drink I felt eyes on me and I began eating not even bothering to look up I felt my phone vibrating glancing only to see it was Cortez to voicemail he went. 

I was almost done with my drink and buzzing wasn't the word I asked for a to-go box  and I finished off my drink I was about to walk away when I felt someone grab at my arm " Didn't you mother raise you to keep your hands to yourself ?"
I said as I turned around facing that fineeee man from across the bar.

Unknown Guy- Baby girl I'm sorry but I tried to play it cool but I couldn't let you walk out of here without getting at least your name.

A'riah-  yeah well that's very disrespectful if that's how you treat a lady you don't even know I'm curious on how you treat women you already know ?
Unknown Guy- With all due respect ,  I didn't mean any harm but I would've felt less of a man if I let your beautiful ass walk out of here let's sit back down so I could focus .
I laughed because I could actually tell he meant no harm so I let him lead the way and we sat at a booth close to the door.
A'riah- My name is A'riah I just turned 21 Im a RN at the local hospital I don't have any children I'm currently going through complication with my relationship. I'm just letting you know just in case you thought this might go past a friendship.

Unknown Guy- My name is Anthony and Baby girl I'm a grown ass man I'm not worried about no boyfriend I knew what was up by the way you hung up your phone but I also noticed you didn't have a ring on your finger so let me ask you this Ms.A'riah    Could I have you cell number and could we met up later on?
The way his words just slipped out was making me want to do more than just meet up , I wanted his sexy ass to have my legs up and me begging him to slow down my thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing I looked towards Anthony and told him where we come meet and what time.
He walked me out and I programmed my number in his phone and drove off calling up my girls seeing what did they want to do since it's still early .

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