Chapter One- That Nightmmare

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It was pitch-black. I couldn't see anything, but I could hear some noises in there. Among the noises, there were blood-curdling screams and devious laughter.

I don't know why, but I started running away from the voices, although I knew I wouldn't make it..... I kept running until I fell through a hole that went down, down, down............

I woke up with a start. I looked around wildly. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I realized I was in my bedroom and drenched with sweat. "Calm down, calm down. It was only a dream.... There's nothing to be afraid of.." I told myself, but my heart just wouldn't stop pounding so rapidly.

I reached on my desk and grabbed my phone. It was 3:18 A.M. "Great," I thought, "Four more hours of sleep.."

~~~~~~~~~~                                                                                                                                         ~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up to the sound of someone yelling in my ear. Of course, it was my mom. My mom was known for her powerful voice. "You're making me deaf, Mom!" I screamed.

"You're going to be late for school! You already slept through your alarm! Hurry up and get ready!" she said in her regular voice.

"What time is it, anyways??"

"7:35 AM."

"Oh no! I have 25 minutes to get ready for school!"

It took fifteen minutes to do my hair, five minutes to brush my teeth, and another five to change into my school uniform. There goes my breakfast.. I thought sadly.. I was starving and wanted to take some bread for the car ride, but I knew I wouldn't finish it in time.

"Hurry, mom, hurry!! I'm going to be late for school!" I said with worry. 

The reason why I wanted to get to school on time was because I wanted to be "Student of the Year" and in order to get that, you had to have perfect attendance, perfect grades, and perfect behaviors to teachers and students. I had yearned to be the Student of the Year for so long now..

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