A/N; New Story

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I got a new Joker story, it should be.. Entertaining 😂😂

Small Dangerous Problem...

Everyone know The Joker basically has no soft side.. Unless he really trust yah, but what happens when Batsy tells him the only way he can get out wil be by taking in a eleven year old runaway for four months and when she comes back to Batman better have no scratch or hand print on her?

Willa Angie Dawson is a trouble maker, a runaway and feels like nobody wants her, so when she is put in the care for Batman to deal with he hands her off to the Joker.
It isn't like Will don't want a place to call home but, everywhere she has went someone has complained about her.
But, so far why has the Joker not complained?


Joker laughed and put his arms behind his head "What can I say I work in mysterious ways" the bat nodded and then nlooked at Joker who was spinning the handcuffs on one finger, around and around..

"Hey!" Batman yelled and jumped towards him taking them from Joker and placing them back on his wrist, Batman sighed put his hands to his eyes.

Just then a woman from the local Orphanage came in and looked at Batman "She is about to drive me crazy, just crazy.. Can we lock her up in Arkham?"


"The Little Girl that you gave to Bruce Wayne to take care of, he left her with me while he had some business to take care of all because his Butler is afraid of her!"

"What did she do?"

"She locked me out of my car, played some kind of ear deafening music and set Wayne Enterprises coffee machine on fire before I got there. Batman your the only one I know to talk to" she said.

He looked at her then Joker with a smile:

"I wanted a answer, I got it. Thanks Mags, I will see what I can do" he said and shut the door before going back to the Joker.

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