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Adam P.O.V.

"Nevaeh, it's me, Adam."
"Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Lindsy."
She shook my hand.
"Are you feeling okay?"
"I'm fine, why?"
"You don't remember me?"
"No, should I?"
"Yes, yes you should. You mind linked me to come save you."
"Funny, I don't remember that at all."

"She doesn't remember anything about this."

I whirled around.

"How come?" I ask the man.
"Boss restarted her."
"Whose your boss?"

"I am."
"Derrick? Why?"
"She was an interference."

Tears brimmed.
I pushed them back.
I shook my head.

I tried to mind linke Amelia.
I couldn't.

"Ohhh, you're one of them too." Derrick said.
"One of what?"
"A science experiment."
"You're a looney head."
"But I didn't make you. Who made you? Oh yeah, you wouldn't know."

"I did." A new voice chilled in.

"Arthur." Derrick growled.
"Derrick." Arthur said.
Then he looked at me.
"You've turned out mighty fine young... robot."
"Uh, what?"
"Yes indeed. You have passed, congratulations."

I'm lost now.
A science experiment???
Nah. They've just gon crazy in the head. They should really schedule a doctor's appointment.
These kind of peopleare dangerous.
I mean, just look what one did to my dear Nevaeh.

"I see my robot has takinga liking to yours. To bad they won't ever see each other again." Arthur said.
"Take your robot and get out of here." Derrick hissed.

Suddenly they both fell to the floor.

"Get her to the law immediately if you want her to remember you."

I picked up the screaming Nevaeh and carried her to the lab.

I saw Amelia hooked up to a machine on a table.
Her eyes where closed and the screen was full of different shapes and the machine was giving instructions.
She was still.

The girl came in and immediately unhooked Amelia.

She put Nevaeh in the table and transported he memories back in.

Nevaeh opened her eyes.

"Amelia! Adam! Wait, Adam?" She shouted.
Amelia burst into tears.
"Oh my gosh!" Amelia hugged her.

"We have to go, now." The girl said.

"What even is your name?" I asked.
"That doesn't matter. What matters is getting you out of here."

We opened the door and were greeted by an angry Derrick.
"Yeah, nice try."

"Oh, it's not over yet." Amelia hissed through clenched teeth.
She let out a warrior cry and launched herself at him.
Well, he won't make it out alive.
And if he does, has gonna need plastic surgery.
No one messes with her friends and family.
No one dared to interfere.

We watched as she... yeah, and ended up having to pull her off of him.

We ran down to the gate and the girl dissabled the fence allowing us out.

We ran and ran and ran.
Until we could run no more.

"Why weren't there any police?" Nevaeh asked.

That's when we noticed how easily quiet it was when we left.

"Good question." I say.
"Shouldn't we go back and help?"

We looked at her like she was crazy.
Then the girl spoke up.

"They never made it, they were attacked."

We all looked forward and saw an unpleasant, uncomforting sight that I don't have the guys to described.
Scarred for life I looked away.

Nevaeh began to sob.

"We need to get out of here now."
The girl said.

We began to run.

When we were safe enough we slowed to a walk.

"I need to pee." Naveah announced.
She went off a little ways away and did her thing.
We waited... And waited...And waited.

"Shouldn't she be back by now?" Amelia asked worriedly.

"Oh she should be." A voice said. "But she's not."

A figure leaps out of a tree and comes forward us.

"Who the frick are you jumping out of a tree? Tarzan?" Amelia asks.

"No, I'm Derricks brother."
"That's great." She says.
"And this girls brother."
We look at her and she shuffles her feet.
"Why didn't you tell us?" I ask.
"I wanted you to trust me, if I told you I was their sister, you wouldn't trust me I thought. I wanted to get out too, I haven't left that property my whole life!"

"Where. Is. Nevaeh?" Amelia asks.

"Kiddnapped, again. I came to tell you."

"Why didn't you tell her?" Amelia screeched.

"I need Derrick to trust me. So I can help you."

Amelia turned and started to head back.

"Where are you going?" The boy asks.

She replied with: "Back to square one."

"Are you crazy???" He asks.

She continues on her way but replys with, "Slightly... or more."

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