Training Camp: day 1

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This was my first year in marching band. I had just moved from a northen state, where we didn't march. I arrived for the first day of the 2 week camp, it was in blistering southern heat, which I have never experienced before.

My family and I are from Wisconsin, we moved to southern Louisiana because of a job transfer. The heat from the humid air beat down on me like I was in a tanning bed.

So as we were being assigned to our role sets I looked around at the other people in my section. There is a tall skinny boy with dark as night hair, looks experienced, knows a lot of people, and has a tad bit of stubble. I'm guessing he's a junior or a senior, maybe even section leader. He is talking to the dark brown haired boy, but not very confidently, he keeps looking down at his feet, and twiddling his thumbs. Maybe a sophomore or freshmen. Finally a girl, she's average height, skinny, orange skin, the blondest of bleached hair money could buy, and very social. She's probably a quirky freshmen. Oh then the last person in my section, me. I'm average in everything, average brown hair, I wear glasses, freshmen, and have long hair.

SET! Yelled the band director, mr.L. Not knowing what it is, I looked around at what everyone else was doing, and copied them.

"Alright, welcome back badgers and to this year's camp with our favorite band director and our new assistant director mrs.juels," L said followed by applause.

"OK now go meet your sections, you have 1 hour to be besties," said juels.

The dark haired boy yelled horns and we all followed him to the shaded part of the field.

"Hey guys my name is max, I'm your section leader. Now everyone go around and say your names."

"My name is kim," said the bubbly blonde.

"I'm john," said the other boy.

Last was me and I lost my words in fright.

"Um, um, um," I started mumbling.

"Come on I know you have a name, don't be shy," said max.

"My name is olivia," I finally had the courage to say.

"Alright, welcome to the hot section kim, john, and livy," said max.

Why did he call me livy? what type of nickname is livy?

"In band we don't really like to go by seniors, juniors, blah blah blah. We go by lower and upper classmen. So I'm and upperclassmen bc of my experience, you all are lower class, except john props to u first chair all state freshmen wonder kid," Max finished.

"You made all state first chair," I said, then regretted because of the looks I got.

"Do u have an issue new bitch," said kim as she grabbed Johns arm.

"No its ok she just moved here, don't be rude," john said pushing kim off his arm.

"Alright you guys go make friends while I go talk to mine," said max.

"But I already know everyone here," said kim.

"Have you dated them all?" Said max.


"OK I dare you that by the end of camp u have dated every boy here with a kiss to sell it."

"Challenge accepted," kim said as she ran over to a pack of boys.

All that was left was john and I.

"So uh... I know you just got here and don't have many friends, so do u want me..."

Is he wanting to hang out with me? Why? Are people just nice in the south? No, probably not but that still leaves me wondering...

"... to show u around to the different clicks?" He finished.

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