Training Camp: Day 2

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I arived at school for the time writen on the board of the band room. Little did I know that that was for the leaders, they had to be here 2 hours early.

I was ok with it because I made myself a survival pack for camp. It has snacks, tampons, a hoodie, a blanket, charger, a pillow, money, and a spare change of clothes.

As I head for my new place on campus there was a note taped to the door.

"Hi there, I guess a student made it to my class room. I'm fine with you here as long as u lock the door with the key on the desk, not have sex in my room, and not eat my crackers. Any mess (that includes oder) I find or change in the rooms order i will hunt you down and change my lock. Rent is $5 a week. Thanks and enjoy your stay."

"Well arnt I lucky I brought my wallet," I muttered to myself.

Right when I walked in I put her key in my pocket and noticed an onvilope that said rent money on it. I put my payment for the week and diced to make me a shopping list.

For the classroom:
Bottle of febres
Dust pan and broom
Clorox wipes
Fresh box of crackers
Dry erase marker

After I finished my list I set my alarm for a half hour before practice began, curled up with my blanket and pillow, and took a nap.

Around the time my alarm went off I heard someone jiggling the nob at the door. Wondering who it was I went to see and it was chan.

"Hey did you sleep in here last night?" She said giving me an odd look.

"No I just got here early so I took a nap. Read this," I said giving her the note.

"Since I will be here do you want me to pay half the rent? I have a job," she asked.

"Only if you want to, I will get a copy of this key to the room for if I'm not here," I said.


As I noticed her walking around she had also brought a survival kit, but with more medical supplies, a blow up chair, and a mini fridge with coffee's in it. I guess she noticed I lied the sofa and wanted her own nap place.

We got our selves together and went to our sectionals so we wouldn't be late. Of corse when I got to my sectional max and kim were cuddling on a mat while john was playing a game on his phone.

"When did you get here, I didn't see you walk in?" Asked john.

"Oh I got here early by accident, which I will start doing on purpose," I said.

"When did u get here, I was 2 hours early so I took a nap in here," said john.

"Literally the same thing but I was in my secret hide out."

"You never did show me it."

"We can go in an hour, we need to practice, we are still at camp."

"Fine," he finished with a laugh.

Today max actually played with us, he looked more tired that the day before, I guess because he stayed up to late with kim, where she was super energetic as usual.

"Let's so spin the bottle again, I want to show Johnny what I'm made of,"

"I'm ok with that," he said while giving me a wink.

Kim span the bottle and to her disliking it landed on max.

"Omg why can I just have sex with though Johnny!" She stormed off pulling max by his shirt.

"So it's you and me again," he said.

Then he proceeded to put my arms around his neck. He gave me a short kiss then held me like a baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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