Exercises* 1.1:: Among the following vowel symbols, choose the one that is pronounced differently from the others.
데 다 대
* 1.2:: Among the following vowel symbols, choose the one that is pronounced differently from the others.
괘 괴 궈
* 1.3:: Among the following vowel symbols, choose the one that is not one of the "bright vowels."
ㅏ ㅙ ㅝ ㅗ ㅐ ㅒ
* 1.4:: Among the following vowel symbols, choose the one that is not one of the "dark vowels."
ㅜ ㅝ ㅞ ㅘ ㅓ ㅖ
* 1.5:: The following Korean words are the English borrowed words used in Korean. Match each Korean word with one of the following English words (camera, jazz, taxi, romance, hotdog, Starbucks, quiz, coat, bus, sandwich, hamburger, and coffee):
1. 버스
2. 커피
3. 코트
4. 재즈
5. 퀴즈
6. 로맨스
7. 택시
8. 스타벅스
9. 핫도그
10. 샌드위치
11. 햄버거
12. 카메라* 1.6:: The following are names of countries in Hangeul. Make a guess and write the English name for each country.
1. 브라질
2. 스페인
3. 노르웨이
4. 핀란드
5. 필리핀
6. 이탈리아
7. 프랑스
8. 잉글랜드
9. 캐나다
10. 멕시코* 1.7:: The following are names of cities in Hangeul. Make a guess and write the English name for each city.
1. 뉴욕
2. 시드니
3. 샌프란시스코
4. 런던
5. 파리
6. 서울
7. 마드리드
8. 라스베가스
9. 뉴델리
10. 리스본* 1.8:: Match each English name of the country with the corresponding Korean name from the following list:
포르투갈, 사우디 아라비아, 뉴질랜드, 아르헨티나, 이집트, 인디아, 러시아, 오스트레일리아, 이스라엘, 헝가리1. Russia
2. Egypt
3. Portugal
4. Hungary
5. Saudi Arabia
6. New Zealand
7. Argentina
8. India
9. Australia
10. Israel* 1.9:: Match each English name of the city with the corresponding Korean name from the following list:
오슬로, 헬싱키, 모스크바, 로마, 토쿄, 상하이, 방콕, 카이로, 멕시코시티, 리오데 자네이로1. Shanghai
2. Cairo
3. Rio de Janeiro
4. Tokyo
5. Moscow
6. Helsinki
7. Rome
8. Oslo
9. Bangkok
10. Mexico City* 1.10:: The following are the names of some world famous people. Make a guess and write their names in English.
1. 지미 카터
2. 조지 부쉬
3. 애브래햄 링컨
4. 조지 와싱턴
5. 윈스턴 처칠
6. 토마스 에디슨
7. 빌 클린턴
8. 레오나르도 다빈치
9. 엘비스 프레슬리
10. 존 레논* 1.11:: The following English words are used as loanwords in Korean. Match the corresponding Korean words from the following list:
스키, 쿠키, 나이프, 펜, 모니터, 텔레비전, 카드, 팝송, 피자, 오렌지, 샴푸1. monitor
2. shampoo
3. pizza
4. ski
5. television
6. pen
7. card
8. cookie
9. pop song
10. knife
11. banana
12. orange
STUDY Korean! (한국어 공부하세요!)
AcakTHIS IS NOT A STORY! The title says it clearly. I'm just putting up the lessons I learned for safety keeps just in case. It's not that I don't trust back-ups but I guess it'd be much better this way. I wanna keep my notes for future references and...