3.1: Exercises

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》Key Vocabulary for Unit 3 Exercises:

 the edge                dog
계란 egg                     고기 meats
고무 rubber              고무신 rubber shoes
나물 greens
door                       water
물개 seal
바늘 needle               바다 sea
바닷가 the seaside    room
 bread                    빵집 bakery
 wall                       벽돌 brick
부채 fan
사업 business           산나물 wild edible greens
bird                       shoes
front                      앞문 front door
음악 music
season                 철새 migratory bird
book                     책방 book store
nose                      코피 blood from the nose


*3.1:: Translate the following Korean words into English:
Example: 사람   people
1. 새       _________________
2. 사업    _________________
3. 부채    _________________
4. 벽       _________________
5. 고기    _________________
6. 계란    _________________
7. 바늘    _________________
8. 고무    _________________
9. 나물    _________________
10. 음악  _________________

* 3.2:: The following are compound words. Write their English meanings.
Example: 닭고기 Chicken (meat) = 닭 Chicken + 고기 meat

1. 고무신  ______________ = _____________ + ______________
2. 산나물  ______________ = _____________ + ______________
3. 벽돌     ______________ = _____________ + ______________
4. 앞문     ______________ = _____________ + ______________
5. 코피     ______________ = _____________ + ______________
6. 바닷가  ______________ = _____________ + ______________
7. 빵집     ______________ = _____________ + ______________
8. 책방     ______________ = _____________ + ______________
9. 물개     ______________ = _____________ + ______________
10. 철새    ______________ = _____________ + ______________

* 3.3:: The Korean nouns in each set have the same prefix. Identify the prefix and give its meaning.
Example: 날고기 (raw meat), 날생선 (raw fish), 날계란 (uncooked egg)
                = Prefix:     Meaning: raw

1. 신학기 (new semester), 신세대 (new generation), 신형 (new model)
Prefix:______________ Meaning: _____________
2. 고급 (high class), 고가 (high price), 고도 (high degree), 고산 (high mountain)
Prefix:______________ Meaning: _____________
3. 불가능 (impossible), 불가피 (unavoidability), 불감증 (insensibility), 불공평 (unfairness), 불규칙 (unsteadiness)
Prefix:______________ Meaning: _____________

* 3.4:: The Korean nouns in each set have the same suffix. Identify the suffix and give its meaning.
Example: 소설가 (novelist), 음악가 (musician), 사업가 (businessman)
                Suffix: 가    Meaning: person

1. 한국식 (Korean style), 미국식 (American style), 중국식 (Chinese style)
Suffix:______________ Meaning: _____________
2. 바느질 (sewing), 가위질 (scissoring), 부책질 (fanning)
Suffix:______________ Meaning: _____________
3. 교직 (teaching profession), 기술직 (skill-related profession), 성직 (the ministry)
Suffix:______________ Meaning: _____________

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