Chapter 10: Pink Camellia

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When Adam heard that his little brother had dropped by with a date, he'd expected the usual pretty girl with a chest big enough to make Evan think he was in love. He wasn't even going to bother meeting his brother's new girlfriend, because he'd met enough of them to know what his brother's type was, and his brother's type wasn't very appealing to him. After what his waiter had said, though, he thought he might at least greet the couple. Just to satisfy his own curiosity.

Adam had thought he was ready for just about anything his brother could throw at him. His current date, however, was completely unexpected.

"This is Sascha," his little brother introduced cheerfully. "Sascha, this is my older brother, Adam," and Sascha extended a hand for Adam to shake, which he did after he'd gotten over his initial surprise.

"It's very nice to meet you," said Sascha. "You have a beautiful restaurant," and the words sounded so sincere that Adam was actually flattered.

"Thank you, it's nice to meet you as well. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying yourself," and Adam may have meant it more than he usually did when he spoke to his brother's dates, because at least Sascha seemed like a decent person.

She was, as his waiter had said, very pretty, but not in the usual way that caught his brother's eye. Sascha had a more genuine look, with soft features and a sense of style that didn't scream for attention. Compared to all the women that had walked into the restaurant, hanging from his brother's arm, Sascha had to be the most normal looking; like someone that Adam could walk past in the street without a second glance. In other words, he had no idea why his brother was with her.

Sascha was also mildly surprised at Evan's brother, because he didn't seem to be too much like the younger man. They definitely looked alike, both with blond hair, though Adam kept it short; most likely due to his job. Their eyes were the same warm hazel tone - Adam's being hidden behind a pair of glasses - and their features were very similar, but Adam definitely looked the part of the responsible older brother. That wasn't to say that he looked to be too serious, he just lacked the usual playfulness that Evan had. Still, he seemed to be a very nice person.

Evan, on the other hand, could hardly contain his amusement. It wasn't very hard to tell that his brother had only showed up out of curiosity, because Evan was very aware of how unlike his usual dates Sascha was. Of course, his brother would want to see why he had a sudden change of heart when it came to what he looked for in a date. He could see the way Adam was inspecting Sascha, trying to find a reason for Evan to be interested in him. And that was another source of amusement for Evan. He was just waiting for the moment his brother would figure out Sascha was a man.

"So, brother dear, what will you be feeding us?" he asked, smirking at his older brother.

"That'll be a surprise," Adam responded, eyebrow quirked because he could tell his brother was up to something just by his tone and the way he was smirking. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion and turned to Sascha.

"Excuse us for a moment, but I'd like to have a word with Evan," he said, and Sascha just nodded, looking a bit puzzled. Evan didn't protest, instead just standing with a grin.

"I'll be back in a minute," he told his date, before following his brother to the kitchen. It was the place where they usually talked, since Adam considered it his main territory. Evan always teased him about it, but at least it was private enough since the other cooks were too busy to pay attention to them.

"Alright, what are you up to?" Adam questioned his brother, not wasting any time.

"What do you mean?" Evan answered, in a tone that was much too innocent to be real.

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