This story was inspired by the language of flowers and the idea that you can share so many feelings with them. Each chapter was named after a plant that expresses a variety of feelings, one of which served as the main theme in each chapter. Here are the names of the chapters and the hidden messages behind them.
Chapter Index
Apocynum: Deception
Bittersweet: Truth
Bell Flower: Gratutide
Coronilla: Success to You
Night Shade: Bitter Truth
Forsythia: Anticipation
White Clover: Think of Me
Euphorbia: Persistence
Red Columbine: Anxious
Pink Camelia: Longing
Purple Heart's Ease: Think of Me
Dog Rose: Pleasure and Pain
Yellow Daffodil: Chivalry
Marigold: Cruelty in Love
Moss Rosebud: Confessions of Love
Four Leaf Clover: Be Mine
Sweetpea: Thank You For a Lovely Time

Clover | ✔
RomanceEvan was a shameless womanizer. Both handsome and charming, he'd never had a problem getting a girlfriend and never cared about losing one. So when he met Sascha, the simple but pretty florist, he didn't have to try too hard to get a date. Unfortuna...