For a while, Evan didn't return to Sascha's flower shop.
It wasn't strange for him to stop visiting for a few days, so Sascha didn't think much of it at first. However, after more than a week had passed, he had to wonder why the man hadn't stopped by. He didn't have much time to think on it though, because it was Fall and Halloween was getting closer, so the florist was busy stocking up on seasonal plants and flowers. Not to mention, he still had to work on the storefront display.
Fortunately, he now had Jason to help him, and when the boy wasn't running deliveries -- which were growing in number, much to Sascha's delight -- he was doing small tasks around the shop. The boy turned out to be a very good helper, though he was still a bit gruff, he wasn't nearly as rude as he had first appeared to be. Sascha thought he was amusing.
At the moment, Jason was sitting behind the counter, watching the front of the store and doing some homework while Sascha was in the back caring for the plants. Though he would never admit it -- especially not to Evan -- Jason didn't actually mind working at the flower shop all that much. Sascha was pretty nice and the work was easy. Another plus side was that Sascha would sometimes help him with his homework and he also let him keep any tips he received during his deliveries. The only downside he had observed was that Evan was supposed to visit often, but since he hadn't shown up for a while, Jason was very happy with his new job. So, when the little bell above the door chimed (and he hated that damn thing) and Evan walked in, he couldn't help but scowl. Evan didn't seem to mind though, because he just looked around before walking up to where Jason was.
"Where's Sascha?" he asked, leaning on the counter.
"In the back," Jason said shortly, focusing on his homework.
"Should you be doing homework while you're on the clock?" Evan asked with a smirk.
"Should you be bothering people who are working?" Jason shot back.
Evan quirked an eyebrow.
"I hope you're not this rude to the customers," he commented.
"No, but you never buy anything anyway. You just come here because of Sascha," Jason pointed out, snickering.
And Evan very much wanted to whack him on the head, but the door to the back opened and Sascha walked out, somehow carrying a rather large pumpkin, which Jason hurried to take from him before the florist dropped it.
"Ah, thank you, Jay," Sascha said, and Evan couldn't help but smirk at the nickname and the way Jason blushed and glared at him, as if daring him to say anything about it.
"Oh, Evan, I hadn't seen you in a while."
Evan couldn't deny that he was very pleased to note how glad Sascha seemed to be to see him again.
"Work's kept me busy," he said with a shrug. "So how are things here? Jason hasn't been causing trouble?"
Sascha laughed and shook his head, his light brown hair - slightly curled - bouncing as he moved.
"No, he's been a great helper, I really love having him around," he said, smiling at the boy.
"Well, as long as you're happy with him," Evan said, trying not to laugh at Jason's face.
"I'm going to clean up in the back," the boy grumbled, clearly tired of listening to the other two.
Sascha watched him leave with amusement.
"Guess he's not too fond of you," Sascha said, picking up the large pumpkin that had been left on the counter.
"He likes you though," Evan told the florist, moving to take the pumpkin from his hands. "Where do you want this?"

Clover | ✔
RomansaEvan was a shameless womanizer. Both handsome and charming, he'd never had a problem getting a girlfriend and never cared about losing one. So when he met Sascha, the simple but pretty florist, he didn't have to try too hard to get a date. Unfortuna...