It was a while until Evan decided to return to the flower shop. Maybe it was because he'd been rejected twice in one day, or maybe it was because Sascha had never rejected him so thoroughly. Whatever the case was, Evan couldn't manage to drag himself back to the shop for a good while. Instead, he decided to do what he usually did when he got off work and had nothing to do and too much to think about; he went out to drink. Of course, Drew tagged along, saying it had been a while since they went out for drinks.
So, Evan's routine became working and drinking and then sleeping only to do it all again the next day. It was entirely too depressing and probably the lowest moment of his life (in recent history, at least), but he just didn't feel like doing much else. Sometimes, he wondered if that was how the women he'd dated in the past had felt when he'd left them, and if it was, he thought that maybe falling in love with Sascha was God's way of punishing him. He hated to think that way, but he'd been after the florist for months and he could count the times he'd kissed him on one hand and have fingers left over. Not to mention, most of those kisses had happened while Sascha was drunk. It was frustrating, especially because he knew Sascha wanted to be with him.
The florist was holding back, had been holding back for months as well, and while Evan admired his resolve he was quickly reaching his breaking point. Never in his life had he had to work so hard just to get someone to date him. Of course, he'd also never wanted someone as badly as Sascha. He sighed tiredly as he finished his morning cup of coffee and grabbed his keys and wallet, ready to go to work. Evan was just slipping on his coat when he heard someone knocking on his door. He wasn't expecting to see his teenage neighbor standing there, looking ready for school.
"What do you need, Jason?" he asked, hoping the teen wasn't in the mood to annoy him, because he wasn't in the best mood either.
"How come you haven't been to the shop lately?" the boy asked, frowning up at the man. Evan quirked an eyebrow, not really knowing why the boy would care.
"What, don't tell me you've missed me," he told him, not wanting to tell him the real reason.
"Hell no," the answer was immediate and Evan couldn't help but glare at the boy. "It's just, you're usually around harassing Sascha so it's kinda weird that you haven't been there for like nearly two weeks now," he finished, shrugging.
"Okay, first off, I don't harass Sascha," he argued. He certainly hoped the florist didn't see it that way. "And I've been busy. I have a job, you know," Jason just rolled his eyes at him.
"Yeah, sure, just make sure you stop by sometime soon," he said, hitching up his backpack and looking like he was heading off.
"Wait, why should I?" Evan asked, confused, because he was pretty sure Jason liked it when he wasn't around. "Did something happen? Is Sascha okay?" He was trying not to panic, because the man may have rejected him, but he still cared for him.
"No, he's fine, stupid. Just go to the shop," Jason huffed, and then he hurried off before Evan could either ask him what was going on, or smack him on the head and tell him his mother would be hearing about all his cussing.
For the rest of the day, Evan couldn't help but think back to Jason's odd visit. It had made him worry, because he had no idea what could be bad enough that it would prompt Jason to ask him to go to the flower shop. So, as soon as he was out of work he hurried to his car and made his way to the little shop, worried for what he might find and nervous about facing Sascha. Evan did his best to calm down once he was in front of the shop, because it looked the same as usual from the outside. If Jason was just messing with him then he didn't want to look like an idiot.
The bell chimed as it always did when Evan walked in and the shop was mostly as he remembered it. Sascha had changed some of the merchandise to fit the holidays and the place was decorated brightly with garland and lights and bells hung all around. Evan was a bit distracted by the decorations and the holiday displays with wreaths and poinsettias, so much so that he didn't notice the young man standing behind the counter until he spoke.

Clover | ✔
RomanceEvan was a shameless womanizer. Both handsome and charming, he'd never had a problem getting a girlfriend and never cared about losing one. So when he met Sascha, the simple but pretty florist, he didn't have to try too hard to get a date. Unfortuna...