"Hell no." That was Jason's response to Evan when the man asked him to help him out when Sascha arrived at his apartment.
"You don't actually have to help out. Make some excuse to get out of it, I just need you to be there when Sascha arrives," Evan explained.
"What's in it for me?" Jason asked with narrowed eyes. Evan tried not to glare, but he wasn't really surprised by the boy asking him for something in return.
"I'll give you twenty bucks," he told the boy.
"No deal," the teen replied immediately, arms crossed. "Make it fifty," he said with a grin.
"Fifty? Why the hell do you want that much money? You have a job!" Evan asked, frowning.
"Language, Mr. Litton," Jason mocked. "And it's almost Christmas, I need money for presents," Jason explained.
"You only need to buy presents for your parents," Evan deadpanned, and he knew Jason made more than enough for that with his part time job at the flower shop. Not to mention he got plenty of tips.
"I'd also like to buy presents for myself and I have expensive tastes," Jason smirked. Evan sighed, knowing there was no arguing with the boy.
"Fifty, and no more than that," Evan stated, and Jason seemed to consider it. "Oh come on, you made the offer," he pointed out.
"Alright, alright, fifty," Jason agreed at last, and Evan dug in his pocket for his wallet and handed the boy a twenty dollar bill.
"You'll get the rest after you actually show up," he said, because Jason was a cunning little jerk in his book, and he was too good at making deals.
"Fair enough, I'll come by tomorrow morning then," the boy said, pocketing the money before going back home. He'd just gotten back from Sascha's shop and Evan had caught him before he went into his apartment.
"Little extortionist," Evan muttered, picking up the shopping bags he'd left by his door. He had realized shortly after asking Sascha to help him decorate his home that he didn't actually have much in the way of decorations.
Usually, he bought a tree, stuck a cheap wreath on his door and called it a day, because he spent most of his time at work or at bars and Christmas was spent with his parents and brother when they were actually in town. This year, however, his parents would be going to visit their aunt in another state and him and Adam had managed to worm their way out of it. As much as they loved their family, holidays with their aunt were a bit too much to handle. So, Evan would be spending the holidays alone and he'd probably go to a party to kill time. Of course, that was only if he couldn't convince Sascha to make his Christmas a bit merrier.
So, Evan spent Saturday buying ornaments and decorations and the nicest tree he could find (and there would be no real trees in his house because they were just too messy). He was awfully proud of all that he had accomplished, even if he was exhausted by the end of it all. Sunday morning, he woke up early, cleaned up his apartment and made sure he looked damn good before Sascha arrived. By the time someone knocked on his door, Evan was ready to receive the florist. He was only a bit disappointed that it was just Jason, but at least the boy had shown up on time.
"When's Sascha getting here?" was the first thing the boy asked.
"He should be here anytime now, so you won't have to wait too long," Evan told him, as Jason walked inside.
"Good, I have things to do, stuff to buy," Jason said with a smirk.
"I still can't believe I'm paying you fifty dollars to lie. You always do it for free," the man muttered, glowering at the boy.

Clover | ✔
Roman d'amourEvan was a shameless womanizer. Both handsome and charming, he'd never had a problem getting a girlfriend and never cared about losing one. So when he met Sascha, the simple but pretty florist, he didn't have to try too hard to get a date. Unfortuna...