New Bot In Town

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     A month had passed since the last run in with the cons. The Autobots were waiting to pounce at any moment. The silence from the opposite side was nerve-racking. Nothing good ever came from cons, not even complete radio silence. Though everyone has been able to recover from past events, it was time to get back out in the field. Waiting for the day they could finally take back Cybertron. 

Smokescreen's P.O.V

I slowed to a stop as I almost passed up my favorite spot in the empty desert. The sun was setting perfectly over the flatlands. I sat at the edge of a cliff overlooking a canyon. The orange and pink rays bouncing off my chassis. Humans were very lucky to have such a sight, though it would never be the same as the sunsets back on Cybertron where everything would light up, it was still one of a kind. But of course, all good things must come to an end. Though, they shouldn't be cut short. 

"Ratchet to Smokescreen, do you read, son?" 

I sighed as I put my digit to my auditory circuit, "yes, sire?"

Ratchet almost immediately responded, "sorry to cut your sunset drive short, but we have picked up a beacon. Seems to be a Cybertronian pod. Team needs you at base. Do you require a ground bridge?" 

I stood, still staring out at the sunset. "Uh yeah, sure." Not even two clicks later did a ground bridge appear. "Till next time." I walked through the ground bridge to be met with everyone. Bumblebee being the first to greet me. 

"Hey Smokey, you pumped or what," the excitement flooded through him, and right into me. 

I smiled at my yellow brother, "always." 

Optimus approached the two of us, "I only need you two to come with me on this mission. Arcee,  WheelJack, and Bulkhead are our backup. I am hopeful there will be no need." We nodded as Optimus assigned us positions. Ratchet readied the bridge for us, I turned to him. He gave me a small smile and a curt nod. His way of telling us to be careful. 

We arrived in a thick wooded area. 

Bumblebee's P.O.V

Trees were surrounding us, however there was a trail that was burnt and torn down. "This way." Optimus and Smokescreen followed close behind. Although we were hoping whatever bot arrived on Earth was an Autobot, we weren't for sure. We managed to find the pod. It seemingly already was ripped open. 

"We must spread out and search the are-" 

"GAH!" Smokescreen hit the dirt, unable to move as a black bot towered over him. I readied my blasters, though as the forage cleared from the swift movements, I immediately recognized the bot in front of me. The Autobot insignia displayed on the form.  

TFP Family (Sequel of "Bumblebee, You Will Be Okay)Where stories live. Discover now