In Sickness

589 17 4

Ratchet's p.o.v

The sound of clashing metal met my audio receptors as I scanned through my computers. I figured Bulkhead and WheelJack were behind the clanking sounds. Though, I heard Bumblebee grunt. Now what was he up to? He should not be doing any movement that results in those sounds right now. It's been maybe a week. He still had a limp. I peered around the wreck room wall to see WheelJack wielding a sword, and Bumblebee wielding its twin. I couldn't believe he would be this stupid. 

"Bumblebee, what in the name of Primus do you think you are doing right now?" Bumblebee dropped the sword in surprise, losing his balance on his leg. Though, WheelJack threw his sword and hustled to Bee's side, holding him up. 

"Sire, I was only sparing a little. You said working my leg out will help it heal faster." I looked down at the said leg. I could still see where I tried my best on it. The original wiring showing in a few areas, the welded pieces noticeable if you stare at the appendage. I could tell where it was twisted, where I had to straighten it back out. 

"Bumblebee, that doesn't mean wielding a sword. That means taking small walks around the base. Near walls and such. In this condition you should not be up and sparring WheelJack, someone who should also know better," I gave him a glare as well. That stupid smirk spread across his face as I did so. 

"I had him taken care of, Sunshine." I could feel my face plating heating. The name being embarrassing to hear yet alone being called that. 

"Do not call me that. Bumblebee, berth rest. Now." I turned away from the two mechs. They better listen to me. A wrench was next. 

I was walking down the hall only to hear slight growing coming from Bumblebee and Smokescreens room. There way no way that Bumblebee had made it back to his berth room without me knowing. I entered to see Smokescreen. My slightly older son was leaning over the side of his berth, spilt energon dripping from his mouth. "Smokescreen!" His optics snapped to mine, he looked flush in the face. His optics a slight bit dimmer. I made my way to him, carefully avoiding the spillage. 

"Sire, I really don't feel good," Smokescreen slurred to me. I put the back of my servo to his forehelm, feeling just how hot he was. I mumbled in dismay. 

"You're running a temperature. You are going to overheat in this state," I managed to get him off of the berth, wrapping his arm around my neck cables. Smokescreen slowly trudged along side me all the way to our makeshift medbay. "Lay here, I will be right back." I turned away and grabbed a data pad, scanning him and transferring into onto the pad. I hummed as I scrolled. "It seems like it's a more serious case of our common cold. Just lots of fluids, rest, and care and you will be good as new in a couple of days, son."

"Thanks, Sire." Smokescreen fell straight to sleep, I took this opportunity to lay a cold pack over his helm. Bumblebee came in, mainly relying on the wall as his way to travel. I frowned at him. 

He limped to me, resting against my shoulder plating. "What does he have?" He must know he's sick because he can feel it or Smokescreen communicated with him. I wasn't completely aware of what my sons shared with each other. The two kept to the themselves a lot more than they originally thought. 

"Just a common cold, Bee. He will be alright." That seemed to ease his mind as he sat at his peds. He rubbed small circles on his knee caps, his eyes focused. I could only stand back and watch as my sons interacted. Well, Bumblebee interacted. Though they lost each other for some time, their bond was stronger than most. I was beyond surprised at just how close. Yet, I couldn't help but love them even more because of it. 

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