Chapter 1

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"You don't know me," Mercy mumbles while walking forwards and away from us into the school.

"Her thong's in a bunch this morning," Kaiden breaths giving me a high five.

"Tell me about it," I chuckle as Adam walks towards his friends.

"Bye," he rolls his eyes at us and shakes his head a little.

"We haven't done anything," I yell to him and he laughs a little.

"Yet," he yells back moving a little quicker towards his friends. I roll my eyes.

"How much you wanna bet Mercy's gonna have a new friend," I nudge Kaiden while he laughs.

"Not much," he rolls his eyes. "She's gonna have someone," we walk into the school together and search for our home room. The teachers are gonna regret putting us in the same class, Mercy's in our class too she just doesn't know it yet.

"Yeah, well I have three brothers," she shrugs twirling her hair in a flirtatious way.

"Well like yeah I have three brothers," I twirl the short strands of my hair.

"They're like so amazing and totally hot and any girl would be lucky to have them," Kaiden chuckles as she balls her fists trying to stay calm.

"One second," she smiles sweetly at this guy. "I'm gonna kill you, get out," she groans.

"We can't do that pumpkin this is out homeroom too," I giggle evilly.

"No, no, no, no, no!" She groans out loud. "I've had to share everything with you my whole life and now I have to share this with you too," she whines again.

"Hey is there something wrong?" The tall dude she was talking to earlier walks up.

"Kent," she sighs a little. "These are two of my three brothers." She looks completely embarrassed.

"I'm Jericho," I smile.

"I'm Kaiden,"

"Kent," he nods. "Didn't you sign up for lacrosse?" He questions Kaiden.

"Yeah," he nods.

"Me too," he chuckles. "I made the team last year but just barely, there are some really good kids here," he explains.

"I think I have a shot," he nods walking off with his new friend. I burst into laughter while Mercy fumes.

"Promise me something?" She gets all serious stopping my laughter instantly.

"Anything," I nod. As much as I tease her and we annoy her and whatever we'd all do anything to protect her and keep her happy.

"If I have no one by lunch, you'll sit with me?" She looks up at me. All of her friends were already off on spring break vacations.

"Sure," I nod. "I'll sit with you everyday if you need," I ruffle her hair and she whines.

"Just when I was starting to like you," she shakes her head with a little laugh.

"Did the beast smile?" I gasp a little.

"How about you shut up," she huffs.

"Love you too sissy," I giggle as the bell rings. We both find a desk.

"Hello class,"


"How was school Merciful?" Adam teases.

"I had to eat lunch with Jericho," she shivers as does he.

"Excuse me I'm great," I scoff.

"Mhm and Mercy's got really good patience." He rolls his eyes.

"Whatever." I scoff a little and he laughs before honking his horn.

"Kaiden!" He yells rolling down the window.

"Catch you later," he smiles walking away and furrowing his eyebrows at himself. "What's wrong with me?" He throws his hands up. "Catch you later?" I hit him in the back of the head while we start driving. "Hey," he hits me back.

"Stop it you idiots." Mercy whines, she sits next to me in the back and Kaiden gets shot gun.

"Shut up I need to concentrate," Adam starts repeating as we all yell and argue. "We're here," he pulls into the drive way stopping the car and getting out.

"Jericho why are you so annoying," Mercy groans.

"Well you know Merciful," I start as we walk into the house. Kaiden hits my arm and we look to the kitchen where he's pointing.

"I love you," a small voice is audible.

"We love you too precious," dad smiles. We slowly make our way into the kitchen and look at the little girl sitting on the stool.

"I get a sister," Mercy squeals. Scaring her a little. "Hi sweetie pie," she smiles walking closer. "I'm Mercy,"

"I'm Angelina," she smiles a little sipping on her drink.

"Boy's say hi," mom nudges us.

"Hi," Kaiden walks forward.

"There's two of you?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"We're twins," he explains. "So we look the same,"

"Technically your triplets," Mercy chimes. "We all have the same birthday," Mercy explains. "They're my twin brother and I'm like their twin sister," she explains. "How old is she?" She looks at our parents.

"Three," dad nods at her.

"Can I have a hug?" She opens her arms and the little girl wraps her small arms around her. "I've known you for ten minutes and I already like you better than them," Mercy giggles.

"As if," I mumble. Adam walks forward as Mercy releases the little girl.

"Hi," he smiles. "I'm Adam, I'm your oldest brother," he smiles.

"Hi," she looks at her little feet.

"What's the matter?" I kneel down looking up at her.

"Nothing," she mumbles quickly. I smile a little and stand lifting her up.

"Are you sure?" I hold her on my hip. She looks around the kitchen at every new face and leans her head against my shoulder. "Are you tired?" I run my hand over her back and she shakes her head. "Are you sad?" I pout and she shakes her head. "Am I really as scary as Mercy says?" I give her a small huff and she giggles shaking her head again.

"Come here precious," mom holds her arms open and she falls into them. "There's a lot of people," she sighs a little. "But I promise they're ok," she kisses her cheek.

"I love you," the little girl repeats.

"I love you too," she smiles. "I don't feel like cooking tonight," she taps her finger against her chin. "Do you?" She turns to dad who shakes his head.

"I guess we have no choice," dad shakes his head. "Lets go out,"

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