Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
K's POV:

"Aleric, I said I'm fine. I don't want to talk about it right now. I just want to try to fix my sleep schedule and go to bed right now."

"Luv are yeh so sure bout that?" (M)

"Mike's right luv, you don look too good righ now." (J)

"I said I'm fine boys. Goodnight. Feel free to make yourselves at home. There is some blood in the fridge, and the Tv works in the living room. I'll be seeing you all tomorrow morning for the meeting."

I hear the twins say goodnight, and I feel Aleric's eyes glued to my back as I walk up the stairs but I manage to avoid looking back. I don't want their comfort or their attempts to make me feel better. While Aleric might understand, having a Dhampir daughter a few centuries ago, there isn't anything he can do. This is more of a Dhampir problem than a vampire problem and there's nothing they can do to fix it now anyway. The damage from the Clan of the Dead is already done.

I make it into my room, shutting the door and putting a silencing spell up around the walls so they won't hear me. I walk over to my vanity and vamp out as I reach it. I feel the tears slide from my eyes as I look at myself in the mirror, the two evil bright red eyes glaring back at me. I don't know if they'll stay like this permanently or how long it will take to change back if it's temporary, but I hate them. I hate them so much and there's no one that could make me feel different not even George right now.

I feel myself walk over to the bed and lay on top of the sheets. The left side of the bed still has his scent on it and I snuggle into it, wishing that there was a way for him to cheer me up and tell me that everything will be alright. But will it really? How can we possibly have any idea of what the future holds? How could he still think of me as his love and not as a monster after what I did and how I enjoyed it? Is alright even possible at this point? Will anything in this messed up world ever be alright again?

THE NEXT MORNING IN THE MEETING---------------------------

I was extremely grateful that Aleric and the twins decided to come to the meeting this morning. I thought it would be extremely awkward but the twins get along with everyone and Aleric and Dumbledore greeted each other like old friends. I can only assume that Aleric told Dumbledore of our time in Transylvania because he didn't ask me how it went or for a report on our mission, for which I was grateful.

The twins were welcomed and given the assignment of going with Charlie to attempt to get more foreign wizards, witches, or vampires to join our cause. The three of them seem to get along splendidly so that's good I suppose. There are plans to get Harry out of his aunt's house, to spend the last bit of the summer holiday here with the rest of the gang, but the exact date hasn't been decided yet. Soon I suppose. I had tried to listen intently to everyone's reports but I couldn't get my ears to focus, I could only hear the internal sound of everyone's heartbeat in the room.

I numbly hear Dumbledore dismiss us after the meeting is over and I feel myself walk up to George and Fred's room. They're both still asleep and I can't help the small smile that forms on my face as I watch George sleep, still with that mischievous smile on his face. I don't deserve him at all, but I want to deserve him so badly. I quietly walk up next to him and lay down. I was hoping not to wake him but I failed at it, as he sits up with a slight start and looks around the room before blinking away sleep from his eyes and looking at me smiling.

"Good morning love, I forgot how great it was to wake up and see you first thing in the morning."

"Morning George, mind if I just lay here for a bit with you."

"Course not Kitty. You didn't sleep well last night did you?"

I don't answer him. I know I don't need to as he looks at the dark circles under my eyes. I didn't sleep at all last night, I was too afraid of what the nightmares would bring this time. I was too afraid of seeing the red eyed monster in my nightmares and that fear kept me up all night. I feel him wrap his arm around my body and pull me closer to him as he sighs, gently kissing my head as he does.

"Get some sleep love. I'll be right here the whole time."

"Thanks Georgie."

I snuggle into his chest and hope that this will be enough to keep the nightmares at bay. I feel my eyes grow heavy and I feel him press his lips onto my forehead as I start to fall asleep. I hear a whispered 'i love you' right before I fall into the sleep I denied myself earlier. I truly do love this boy, and for now that thought is enough to scare away my fear of bad dreams.

George's POV:

"I was wondering when she'd start sleeping in our room again." (F)

"I don't think she slept at all last night Fred. I......I'm worried about what happened in Transylvania."

"Want me to see if I can find the O'Larry twins and ask?"

"Would you mind mate?"

"Nah, sides they might have some good ideas for the joke shop."

I watch as Fred leaves the room and I look back at Kitty to make sure we didn't wake her up. Her face is calm and peaceful looking, just like the angel she is. I smile as I lay my head back down next to hers and close my eyes for a bit. I hope Fred can figure out what's upset Kitty so much. I haven't seen her this worried and upset since the article from that Skeeter woman was released, and even then she wasn't distant with me.

Fred's POV:

It's a bit funny almost, he's as worried about her hurting as she is of hurting him or him being in pain. They really are perfect for each other. I hear Charlie in the living room, and decide to start my search for the O' Larry twins there. I walk in and it turns out that Charlie was talking to the O' Larry twins. They all smile and wave as I sit across from them on one of the chairs and Charlie suddenly remembers that he has to write a letter to a friend and quickly leaves the room.

I think that's why Charlie was always our favorite out of our brothers. He always knows when we need privacy or need to speak to someone without anyone else listening. He's the only brother that is willing to leave the room when he knows too. I watch as he leaves and then turn back to face the vampire brothers. The O' Larry's seem to know I need to talk as well because they both quiet at the same time Charlie left.

"Mornin Fred, to wha do owe this visit we wonder." (M)

"I need to know what happened to Katherine in Transylvania."

"Eh, we though tha was gonna be yeh question." (J)

"Well this goes without sayin course, but we didn tell yah nothin righ?" (M)

"Of course."

"Good, cause it's our arses on the line effin she finds out ain it?"

I lean in closer as they begin to tell what happened while Katherine was in Transylvania with Aleric and I now know why she's been acting so weird since she got here. She's afraid that she's a monster because she had to drink from the Death Eater. She's had human blood now and the thought scares her. But she's no monster, she's still our Katherine. They finish telling me as quickly as they can and I thank them as quickly as I can before heading back up to tell George. I don't envy him and the battle he's about to have to convince her she's not a monster, even with red eyes. He is surely in for a long, long, long day.

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