Chapter 37

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George's POV:

I watched as she laughs a bit, as I pulled the ring box out of my back pocket. It wasn't a diamond. I couldn't afford one of those yet, instead it was a small sapphire stone wrapped in a silver band. I thought it matched her eyes perfectly. I watch as she looks at the ring I'm holding out to her as I get down on one knee and her face changes into one of genuine surprise.

"What?" (K)

"Marry me." (G)

"George be serious." (K)

"I am Kitty." (G)

"How-what-are you even sure this is what you want? Are you sure that we can make it? We're not even out of school yet." (K)

"I know we're still in school, so we won't marry for a while. But would you be willing to marry me someday? We love each other I know we do, isn't that all that matters?" (G)

"I.....yes George. You know I would." (K)

I feel my heart jump into my chest and start dancing around as I slide the ring onto her finger. I swear my heart bursts through my chest as I stand and she wraps her arms around my neck and starts snogging me as if we'll never see each other again. She eventually pulls away and smiles at me before looking at the ring.

"How long have you had this with you?" (K)

"Not long, Mischief managed to bring it to me yesterday after I sent the money to the store. If you don't like it though I'm sure I can exchange it for something else." (G)

"I love it George. Just like I love you." (K)

"I love you too Katherine, more than you'll ever know." (G)

I hear Fred walk back in and shout congrats before we both shush him. Kat and I agree without even talking it over that we don't want the rest of the family to know about this yet. Especially mum, she would never let us live this one down if we got engaged before telling them. I watch as Kitty slides the ring off her left hand and puts it on her right instead before we head downstairs to the kitchen.

It's there that the day begins to get a bit rocky. Seems likes Percy, the stupid git, sent his sweater back unopened and refuses to check up on dad. I watch as Remus and Kat both start to comfort her, while Fred and I decide to pop back upstairs and warn the others before they come down. But even with Percy trying to ruin my day, nothing could make this day any better, cause she said yes.

"Merry Christmas. Don't go downstairs for a bit." (G)

"Why not?" (R)

"Mum's crying again. Percy sent back his Christmas jumper." (F)

"Without a note. Hasn't asked how Dad is or visited him of anything..." (G)

"We tried to comfort her. Told her Percy's nothing more than a humongous pile of rat droppings--" (F)

"—didn't work. So Lupin and Kat took over. Best let them cheer her up before we go down for breakfast, I reckon." (G)

My mind is soon drifting back to three things all in turn. The first is Kat and how she said yes, the second is dad at St. Mungo's, and the third is the joke shop and how Fred and I need to get a move on that order of explosive powder if we want to get our fireworks ready in a few more weeks. They could be our next best seller at Hogwarts, you never know.

Kat's POV:

The majority of the holiday's after George asked me to marry him had me feeling as if I was in a dream. I couldn't believe he had asked me, and further still I couldn't believe that I had said yes. I know I would want nothing more than to marry him one day and even start a family with him, but I'm wondering if now is the right time for this decision. He knows what path in life he wants to follow, but I'm....I'm not sure what I want to do really. Working with magical creatures would be wonderful, but I don't even know if that's the path I wish to take.

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