Chapter 20

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George's POV:

"Oi, you hear that George?" (F)

"Hear wh-....that I do Fred that I do." (G)

"Harry's here." (G&F)

Fred and I nod at each other before grabbing an extendable ear for each of us and putting them in our pockets. We disapparate down to Ron's room just as Hermione was in the middle of saying something to Harry. Her surprised scream stops her mid-sentence though as she turns to yell at us instead.

"Stop doing that!" (H)

One look at Harry and it's clear that he's not exactly pleased right now. Another look at Ron and Hermione and we can see that his yelling was directed straight at them for some odd reason. Unlike him to turn on his best mates, or at least it usually is. Fred and I both grin a bit before we ay hullo to him.

"Hello, Harry. We thought we heard your dulcet tones." (G)

"You don't want to bottle up your anger like that Harry, let it all out. There might be a couple of people fifty miles away who didn't hear you." (F)

We fill Harry in on what we all know, not that it aids in making him any cheerier. Though the extendable ears did seem to peak his interest, until Ginny told us about the charm on the door to keep us from using it. I would ask Katherine what was said in the meeting afterwards but she's very stubborn about telling information that Dumbledore has asked her not to. So, I doubt that she will be very open about what was said tonight. We hear mum's quiet footsteps coming up the hall and we shove the extendable ears out of sight just before she opens the door to tell us dinner is ready.

Fred and I head downstairs to the kitchen and I realize that Harry never mentioned seeing Kat. Surely if she had been with the rest of the order members that picked him up he would have mentioned it. I start to speed up just as Fred stops me and points over the banister. I look over and see that a small crowd of order members are standing in the fore way whispering to one another. He lowers an extendable ear just as Snape walks out the front. Slimy git that he is, though can't complain too much I suppose he never eats here so that's good. Fred gets the ear halfway down before the members head for the door and leave.

"Dammit." (F)

I laugh a bit at his reaction before we walk down the rest of the stairs. Fred stops to talk to Tonks for moment and I walk down to the kitchen. I see Katherine sitting at the table with Sirius, Bill, and dad. Talking about Quidditch, though I suspect that conversation started only moments ago when Kitty heard us coming down. I reach my arms around her and kiss her on the side of her head as she turns and smiles at me, wrapping her arms around my neck as she does. She goes to say something but is stopped but the harsh shrieking noise of Sirius' mum's painting in the hallway.

Katherine immediately drops her arms from around my neck and pins her hands against her ears in an attempt to block out the noise. She flinches at every screech and I place my hands over hers in an attempt to help, knowing that however loud it is for us, the sound is nearly tripled for her even in human form. Sirius rushes out to help quiet her down and after a few more seconds it seems that he's successful. I watch as Kitty sighs and we both move our hands away from her ears.

"I hate that painting." (K)

"I don't think Sirius is very fond of it either love."

I pull her closer into my arms as we walk to a corner of the kitchen, just as dad and Bill begin whispering to each other. I think about trying to eavesdrop for a moment but then remember the beauty in my arms and that thought is lost in a matter of seconds. I smile as she looks at me with an almost cautious smile. I know she's still unsure of our relationship since Transylvania, but there's no need for it. I couldn't be any more certain that I love her.

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