So some of you lovelies asked for this, and I highly recommend reading this because it's not just me and my boring answers, its questions for my characters too. The winner will have been PMed already, so please get back to me about you answers as soon as possible! Congrats, for winning the contest. Ok, here we go!
If you could go to any country in the world, (that you've never been to before) where would you go?
England. Home of Harry Potter, the Tube, Austin Powers, everything good. Obviously, the rain would be kinda a downer, but it seems like a pretty cool place to go to.
Do you prefer vanilla or strawberry?
If I'm being honest, ice cream in general is the answer to life's problems. But vanilla, definitely.
What would your children's names be?
No kids. TBH if I did have them I'd probably end up doing some dramatic Lion King scene when they were born and play the music. And then I'd end up nearly dropping them. I'm not cut out to be a mother, nor do I want to be one.
Chocolate or vanilla?
I just answered this. See above, I'm too lazy to answer again.
Who is the guy in your friendship with Dylan?
Well, there's no so much a guy per se, as someone who calls the shots. But that would certainly be me. I'm cooler, awesomer, better, just amazing in every way possible.
How did you feel when you discovered each other's secret identities?
Like the way you would feel after having a massive secret revealed to you. Positively glowing. Radiating with joy. How do you think I felt? I wasn't exactly jumping on the table shouting for joy.
What powers does Alessia have?
Time travel, telepathy, pyrokinesis, teleportation, enhanced physical abilities.
Have you ever tried to do something amazing but failed miserably?
No. I succeed at everything I do because I'm just that amazing. Kidding. Of course I fail at things. I am human. Like the time I nearly drowned in the swimming pool after trying to execute a fancy dive. I hit my head on the edge and fell right in, but my sister got me just in time.
Have you dreamed of doing something ridiculously out of your comfort zone and actually done it?
Of course. Like when Calli dragged me to that Christmas party, and the time I went to that party with Dylan and Alex and...
Have any of you done anything that no one seems to forget?
Not really. I don't embarrass myself. I just get myself into increasingly reckless situations that no one forgets. Like the time I sledded down a massive hill just as a car was coming by and nearly got hit by it. But it passed just in time and I escaped unharmed.
When did you tell Calli and Jake, and how?
Honestly, I didn't so much as tell Calli as she witnessed me using my powers to destroy my enemy's car after school one day. That bitch deserved it. I'm so petty. Anyways, yeah, she saw me fire an energy blast at the car while looking for me, since we were supposed to stay after school together. Plus, she was my closest girlfriend, so it wasn't like I was too torn up about telling her.
(Calli) What is one thing you would have liked to do together before Jake had died?
That's not really a one answer kinda thing. I mean, I loved him. I didn't really need to do anything with him, just for him to be there. But I guess I would have wanted to see an amazing part of the world with him. That always makes you look at a person differently.
(#1) Roommates by Day, Enemies by Night
AdventureWARNING: CONTAINING AMOUNTS OF SASS PREVIOUSLY UNKNOWN TO MANKIND In the city of NYC--- Ok. Hold up. First of all, New York City. What, are ya gonna assume everyone here knows what NYC is? Anyway, this is about two people. I can almost hear you roll...