Chapter 7

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Sophia's Birthday part 2
Why would he ask me? I mean we are close and everything but I have never would have thought that he would ask me that question.
"Father what do you mean?" I looked at him with disbelief.
"What should I do? Should I let her wear the dress?"
"That's not my choice to make." It was hard not to laugh at him when we spoke. It had me almost dubbed over and and started to cry laugh.
"Well guess what. When your ruler and making choices it's not always going to be your call to make. Your going to have to make it yours. Tell other Atrians how to work or process." So that's what it's all about. To prepare me to make a better leader? Is it not my choice.
"I'm sorry Father is not my choice." I turned around and walked out the door. With my Fathers yells to come back I just kept on walking. Not thinking about anything important. Just how to get out of the marriage my parents wanted me to have. What would happen if I said no again and again against my parents? Would they shun me? Exile me? Make sure that I would not ever see Sophia or anyone I cared about again? I don't think my parents would ever never let me not see Sophia again. The thought of never seeing them again bugged me. I wanted to be the Atrian my parents wanted me to be. I just don't know I ever could. It's hard not knowing if I am doing the right thing. The fact is I don't know if I should keep on saying no to my parents. If I just said yes it would make my life so much easier. I would never have to stress about anything ever again. But I would never be happy. I would suffer and be depressed. I walked around the pod and looked for something to do. I saw nothing to do. I laid down and rested my head. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.

Awhile Later

I woke up to Sophia shaking me.
"Roman wake up! Roman!" I love her but at that moment I wanted to punch her.
"What is it Sophia! Why are you waking me up. Unless the pod is burning down you better have a good reason!" I looked at her face and saw the hurt expression.
"Did you forget about my birthday?"
Oh no
"No Sophia I didn't forget about your birthday." I quickly sat up and gave her a hug. I looked at her up and down. She was wearing a light blue dress with her hair curled. "Wow, Sophia you look great!"
"Thanks Roman come on it's time to eat." She grabbed my hand and lead me down to the dining hall. I wanted to run from the place when I walked in and saw the last Atrians I ever wanted to see. Teri and her best friend Merida was there talking their little heads off. I wanted to jump out of a window.
"Oh! Roman!" Teri jumped up and ran over to me followed my Merida.
"Hello Roman." Unlike Teri, Merida was polite and cared about other people.
"Hello Merida."
"Um Roman I'm here too!"
I know I was truly trying to forget
"Hello Teri."
"Well about time Roman I was beginning to think you forgotten all about me!"
How could I forget you when your always there you annoying Atrian!
"So Roman how are you?" Merida looked at me with nothing but kindness. Although she was a nice Atrian she had other things in mind for a mate. She didn't really have a thing for me. It was quite obvious that Merida was in love with someone else. His name was Benton. He was a really good friend everyone loved him. He is actually one of my best friends.
"Shall we begin on our meal?" Mother looked at all of us from the dining room table.
"Yes please Mother!" Sophia ran right up to where the final course sat. Or "dessert". We all sat down around the dessert and eat a long with one other. We laughed and ate. Sophia made her speech at the end of dinner we all smiled, sang, and talked. I truly loved how happy Sophia looked. She looked joyful. It made me feel like I could find something that could bring me joy. As the last guest left I went up to bed and feel asleep. Thinking about how joyful everything felt.

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