Chapter 19

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Cristiano's POV-

It had been 3 days since Aria went to visit her mom. And we were already missing her so much. Cristiano was constantly asking me about her return, like everytime I used to say; 'Not now'. But he was coping really well unlike me. I didn't know what to do. I was missing her presence. Her warm smiles and cute laugh. Even mom was missing her. Aria was helping her with her health issues really well. So I found myself constantly checking her social media accounts, just to check on her. Not that she was so much active on social media, but it was good timepass. There was no new update on her Instagram. But one fine day when I was doing my research, the devil decided to visit me without my knowing.

"Who are you stalking Cris?" He whispered in my ear very lightly but the outcome was dangerous and loud. I screamed and threw my phone on the ground. My heart literally felt like it would come out any moment. James was on the floor laughing. I picked up my phone but a relief, it was OK. I tried to kick James but he dodged it brilliantly. His skills were perfection.

"When will you stop acting like a 5 year old?" I asked him. He sat up but still couldn't control his laugh.

"Probably never. But seriously who are you stalking? I've seen you constantly checking your Instagram. Who is it? New chick? Or a new dude? You can tell me,I won't laugh." He asked.

"No." I said bluntly. He stood up and went to sit on bed. " Don't you think this eyes aren't working, they keep a track on your every movement. " he said pointing his eyes at him and then at me. And I rolled my eyes at him.

"Who are you James bond?" I said.

"Yes actually, this whole football player activity is just fake. I am James bond. You wanna see my secret weapons?" He said. This man, sometimes I felt that his mental health was affected by some rare brain disease, but still he was my best mate.

"Shut up and no there is no new chick, I was just checking on Ari-" and I stopped there. Ohoo, it was big mistake. He is going to tease me till I die. And right now that was not what I wanted. And there it was, the mischievous look on his face.

"I KNEW IT!! I KNEW YOU LOVE HER CRISTIANO RONALDO!! YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH HER. YOU ACTUALLY LOVE HER. YOU DO!!" he shouted and jumped on the bed pointing finger at me. I am sure even the astronauts up in space could have heard him.

"Will you stop shouting?? And calm down....I just...I just-"

"You what?? You fucking love her Cristiano! I've seen the way you look at her the way I look when I see my food arriving. It's the best feeling my mate." He said and punched me on arm.

"I like her OK. I am not sure if I love her or not." I said and sigh. He tapped his finger on his chin, like he was thinking very deeply. And it definitely wasn't a James-y gesture.

" I got it." He announced after few seconds.

"What?" I asked him. If he tell me to go and talk to some psychologist then I am gonna punch him, I thought. But he didn't say that, instead he said,

"We need to talk to someone more mature than us."

"You mean more mature than you, right?" I asked.

"Shut up, and get going. We have practice." He said and got up from bed.

"What practice?? I don't know anything about practice." I said.

"Oh there is some change in schedule. So we had practice now." He announced from the door.

"Had?" I asked picking up my bag.

"Yeah had, we are 2 hour late. I was supposed to tell you but I forgot. Oh we are late anyways. So let's just go before zidane kills us with real weapons." He left before I could do anything.

"Rodriguez you idiot!" I shouted and made my way to the car. Going late to practice was considered the worst sin committed by any player. But thanks to James and certain situations we committed it so many times that I am sure, even hell won't accept us. I didn't know what was James planning to do but I hoped for the best and started the engine.


Guess who is going to make a solid, smashing entry?? *wink wink*

You'll find out soon!! And hope you like this one too. And thank you lovelies for the cutest feedback on last chapter. 💗 I love it. Generally I see notifications when I get up, so when I see this beautiful comments my whole day goes well :)

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