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Her smile was so bright, it could be enough electricity for the whole world to use as much as they wanted. I wonder, why her parents never took proper care of her.... Maybe they did.

We'll have to find out. Maybe we'll never find out. Maybe I won't even survive for the other half. Ok ok. I'll stop being pessimistic.

"Hi. My name is Jessica, Jessica Knightstone. Just call me Jesy. I won't mind." I awkwardly introduce myself.

Mysha laughed at my introduction, but instead of me being annoyed it rather made me happy. I don't know why?

Did I meet her before? But... She doesn't look familiar at all. Do I share some sort of relation with her? No I don't. I am sure.

Loads of questions demanding for answers, and there is me being useless. Like always.

"I am Mysha, and hopefully the three of us will defeat the bad guy." Said Mysha.

"I would love to help. But, can I know where am I?" I said.

"You're in the parallel universe. The universe which The Shadow took over. The world which you were living in is the safe world. The spring of happiness. But this world is The spring of shadows. Only magical people can enter this world. This world only belongs to magical creatures. Humans like you and me are trapped inside this world for our unique abilities. So it's upon the three of us. That is me, you and the dryad, to save this world. Said Mysha.

I never knew that a 7-year old could speak that much. That too without stuttering. Even I couldn't do that. Despite of being a 21-year old.

But why was I even in this world? I was brought to this world by my magical mirror.

I am not even trapped inside of this world. Then why am I standing here preparing myself to go for a battle against a scary creature who can destroy anything within a second.

"What the hell is going on? I can't understand anything." I said.

"What I am trying to say is you are that special person who can save this world. This whole world depends on you Jesy. If you back out then we all would be killed. Please help us. We all will be forever grateful." Mysha said.

Holy shit. I am the Harry Potter of this world. I have to save an entire world from torture and destruction. But why me? Am I the chosen one of this world? Was I always magical or my magical abilities were asleep until this moment?

Why the hell can't someone like Dumbledore can come and answer all my questions!?

This is so annoying. Can someone better fill my place and play my role so that I can go back home? Cause I would love that. This saving the world thing is too much.

It's not like I don't care. I do.


It's just too much for me too handle. I would love to help Mysha and the dryad. But me being the main and the important part is too much.

I don't even understand why I didn't call the police right then and there when The Shadow came out of my mirror. Why did I do all of this, when I clearly knew everything would be too overwhelming.

Dear God. Please help me in this situation. Do a miracle where everything falls into place without anyone doing anything. Is this too much to ask for?

"Don't worry. It's ok if you want to back out. It's just that...... This world will be saved from destruction if you do help. How about you go into the woods. You'll find peace, and it will be easier for you to make an important decision." Said Mysha.


A/N: Hey guys! How are you? I hope you liked this chapter. If you did then please vote and if you have any suggestions you can do so in the comments. I hope you have a good day or night wherever you live. Byeeee

Razi xx

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