It has been two years.....

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  It had been two years to the day since Ezio had left. For Florence had changed and so had yourself you were now 19. A growing woman you had heard no word of Ezio it was heart breaking your farther asked you to choose a new Fiancee.

You had agreed on a one man. One day you were alone no farther no maids nothing just in your room alone. You were adjusting your hair when you dropped something on the floor you bend to pick up the brush when you see a poster crumpled under your desk.

You reach for it and you un crumple it to see Ezio's face it still brought tears to your eyes to think of him not at your side. By now you would have been married you may have had the gift of a child.
A single tear falls down your cheek as you let the memories fill your mind. A knock struck your room's door.

"Come In." You say while wiping away your tears. To your surprise it was Annetta. You get up off of your stool and greet the girl.

You speak for hours about the Auditore family and....Ezio it hurt so much. It was a little after she left. Night had fallen you had your supper with farther. You decided to walk the city to clear your head when a figure begins to follow you , You are unsure of what this figure wanted of you but you felt it's presence and was not scared. You kept walking till you came to a bed of flowers you pick three and go to the close bridge that once you and Ezio had said farewell to his family. You stand at the bridge and take the flowers in hand and slowly throw the tree of them separately into the water saying each name as you threw them. You thought to pick a forth one for Ezio but you did not know if he was dead or alive. You take his neckless out into your hand and look at it.

For the longest time you wanted to let go but you couldn't. You place the neckless back inside your dress and slowly walk back though Florence back home on doing so you pass the Auditore home. It seemed to have died with them that day. There was no plants no life in that house no longer it was just.....dead.

You heart sunk as you headed back home.
You climb your stairs to your room only to be greeted by a figure by your window. It shocked you at first sight...but then you wasn't scared nor shocked. For you recognized the clothes.....
The Figures size.....

It just stood still and silent until.....

"Y/n.....Madonna...(My Lady)" His voice had changed so much since you last heard it but you knew it was him.

You didn't say anything because you did not know what to say. He came forward removing his hood to show his face he came close.

You see him....He had changed since you had last laid eyes on this man.....His features were the same he just seemed to have aged gracefully. For two years you had thought that Ezio had died but now he was here in your room.

He was now face to face with you he removes his blades and gloves and places his hands in yours. You take his hands and look at them you can see the varouis scars from wounds and cuts he had sustained you can see the scar he had was still there.

You just wanted him to say he wasn't going to leave again but he kissed you with so much passion more than your fiancee would kiss you. You spent the night making love to one another....the next morning you wake to his face.

"Ezio I need to tell you something...." You whisper. The light of the early sun was just reaching every ones windows.
"And that is My Love?" He asked

"M-My Farther.....Has asked me to marry another Man....." You look away from Ezio you could feel the sorrow that surrounded you both. It was nothing that you had ever felt before in your life in was horrid.

"Then you must come with me when i leave the city and come with me to Monteriggioni to my Uncle Villa." He spoke taking your hand his.

You didn't want to be without Ezio any longer. That day you made yourself ready as Ezio went about his business he would return late tonight to get you.

You waited as the sun settled over Florence once more. You took a breath in as the night air seeped though your windows. It was dark and the stars were out no soul was heard out on the streets you were very tiered. You wake in your window sill only to see it is the next day....Ezio had forgotten to get you. Your heart sank once more but you would not lose hope as you were a smart lady and you knew your way around Italy. Thankfully your farther was away on business so snuck away.

By the afternoon you Approached Monteriggioni it was a quiet town one not many visited. You leave your horse at the stables and make your way into the small city you can see the Villa on the horizon you make your way up the steps to be met by....Ezio himself.

"Y/n?! What are you doing here?!" He asks.

"I came because...You forgot about me it because you no longer love me? Is it because you have no need of me any more?" You ask with tears in your eyes.

"No No! I love you Y/n you have no idea how much i do lifestyle is dangerous...." He held your hand you feel the cold armor in your hands.

"I can't live without you any longer Ezio. I can't marry this man i don't love him because I still love you!" You cry.
"Madonna...." He places his hand on your cheek.
"Nor would i ask you to my love." He leads you to his Uncles Villa where his Uncle set you up in Ezios room.

-One Month-
You awake once more with the feeling of nausea then after it vomiting. You clean yourself up before visiting poor Maria. Who still suffered the shock of losing her Husband and her sons.

After that you made a visit to the towns doctor and explained your symptoms to him. He confirmed your troubles.

You were With...Child.  

The Assassin I Love (Ezio Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now