No Not Her! (End)

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  A/N Heyo so yes guys i reached the end of this story I'm sorry but i have other stories that need my attention but in the future i may write a bool of AC imagines anywhoo enjoy!

Your POV.
We had been in rome now for over two years and you guessed fight little Rose was now Four. Ezio hardly came to see us anymore mot ever since the bitch from Forli left.I know he was busy trying to deal with the pope and all but he hardly came to see us at all. I was sat in Tiber Island with Rose i was reading while Rose played with some toys that Maria and Claudia had found.

They always made time to come and see me and Rose but not Ezio. The nights since the Villa Attack had been so lonely and cold without Ezio. I tried to understand I truly did but I felt like he didn't care nor love us anymore. See the bitch of Forli told me about Ezio's and hers.....well Love ''Affair' while he was stuck in Forli. When i asked Ezio all he did was yell at me and then he just stormed out for days i asked where he was but his location was unknown.

Another day I sigh as Rose settles down to sleep i kiss her head lightly as i exit the room and go to the main room. I caught Ezio's Friend Machiavelli doing some work.

"Oh evening....I forgot anyone was here." He said.
"It's okay." I smiled slightly as i grabbed my cape and went for the door.
"Where are you going?" He asks.
"I'm going to get some fresh air Rose is sleeping she won't wake." I shut the door behind me as i left Tiber Island. I walked for a long time thinking whether I should take Rose and just go to Florence but then i thought of Claudia and Maria....I sigh as i walk along a bridge. I wasn't sure where i was anymore I just wanted time to stop for a moment and just bring Ezio back to me. I sighed as i looked out to the water to see the ships leaving and the night sky lighting up the sky. I decide to finally walk back but......I was stopped by some Guards.
I was a bit worried had i done something wrong.

"Well Well Well look if it isn't Ezio's little Wife..." A man's voice spoke as he made his way though the guards and toward me i finally realize who this man is.
"It's a shame you fell for wrong taste my dear but oh well." He came close to me. I felt sick to feel another man as close.

"And who the heck are you anyways?" I asked.
He laughed slightly.
"Where are my manners! I am Cesare Borgia son of Pope Alexander VI" He touched my face.
I spat in his face and tried to escape.
"Get her to the Castel St angelo." As he wiped his face i felt mens hands grab me and take me to this place.
End POV..

Ezios Assassin's POV.

"I'm going to head back to Tiber Island see you in the morning." I slowly walk back to see Guards in a big circle. I hide behind a wall as i listen to what is being said.
"Well Well Well look if it isn't Ezio's little Wife..." I peep up from the wall to see Y/n Ezio's Partner...shit this can't be good. I kept watching.

"Get her to the Castel St angelo." I ran to Tiber Island as i knew that is where Ezio would be tonight. I finally got there and bashed open the door to see Ezio and my fellow Assassin's Talking.
"Angel? What is the matter?" Ezio came closer.
"It's Y/n....Shes been captured by the Borgia...." I explain in between breaths. I see the panic take over him as he rushed to Y/n's room to See if their child was safely in bed. He opened the door to see his four year old daughter soundly sleeping.

He places a soft kiss upon the child's Head before coming out and joining the rest of us.
"The plans go forward tonight you understand!" Ezio yelled. We all nodded.
"I want that Castelo watched." He tells me and few others to go.

End POV.

Your Pov.

I was in a dark and cold cell the had taken my warm cape and just left me in my dress. I was cold but i stayed quiet as i watched the guards day in day out.
Until Cesare enter with a jug and cup. I sit and back up in the corner away from him.
"Hm now now i come baring wine....." He pours the red liquid into the cup and hands it to me. He watched me as i drunk every last drop.

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