I'm falling for you

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  After the meeting and setting things in place it was just down to Ezio and yourself. You and Ezio were on a stroll around the city when you bump into Vieri de' Pazzi an Enemy of the Auditore family.

"Ah I see your Farther has pick a ciccione (Fatty) For your Fidanzato (Fiancee)" Vieri smirked
"Vieri, You are a damn Marmocchio (Brat)" Ezio pulled you behind him he knew this was going to end ugly. You knew of the fight between them both and soon once you married Ezio you would be a target to get at Ezio.

"Basta! (Enough) Up for a little fight?" Vieri prepared himself.
Ezio turned to me and whispered.
"Go home get Farther." You back away from Ezio and headed toward the Auditore home.

"Giovanni!" You yell as you look for him only to be greeted by Maria and Claudia.

"Y/n? What's happened?" They asked.
"Ezio Vieri...Fighting i was told to get Giovanni!" You explain.
"Va Bene (All right)" Maria leaves.
Your left with Claudia and Annetta it was an hour or so but the came back.

"Son what have i told you!" Giovanni enters with Ezio who has varouis cuts but nothing major.
"Tesora! (Sweetheart)" He comes over to you. "Are you alright?" You ask im while rubbing your hand over his face.
"I'm fine Madonna (My lady.)" He places his hands on yours.
"I'm taking Y/n out for a passeggiata (Evening Stroll) Then I'm taking her home." Ezio and you walk for another hour the sun was slowly setting over Florence you could feel the cool air hitting you as the sun vanished and the sun lit sky was replaced by stars and a moon. You stood outside your houses door.

"I look forward to the day I don't have to walk you home." He holds you by your waist and looks in your eyes.
"I look forward to it to Ezio but for now you best get home and without causing trouble i want my future husband in one piece" You kiss each other but you broke away making Ezio want more.

"Buona Sera (Good Evening ) Ezio" You blow him a kiss before entering the house.

You go up to your room and you had taken your dress off and you were tending to your hair till you hair faint noises from outside your window. You go to see Ezio stood there again.

"And what do you want." I smirk.
"To spend the night with you bambina (Baby)." You roll your eyes and agree. You turn you back for a second and he was behind you.

"Come here." You roll your eyes once more before your lips collided. "I can't do this Madonna......I love you." Ezio explained.

That night was great but the days that led ahead were grey.

You wake and change but to your surprise Ezio had gone. You sigh and open the windows to see some guards in red and very heavy armor roaming the city. You rush down to your fathers office.

"Morning Darling are you going to see Ezio today?"Your farther asks.
"No Farther as he has jobs to do and i have a fitting ready for the wedding." The day rushes past very quickly but though the day you had heard nothing of Ezio.
It was soon dark and the Stars were out to play you yawn and decided it was time for bed. But after an hour of sleep you wake to the sound of gravel or rocks being thrown at your window. You rub your eyes and get out of bed you open your window to see Ezio outside dressed differently.

He climbs up then closes the window.
He sits with you for a few hours and explains everything he was mess (Please if you haven't watched or play AC 2 read play or watch it then you'll get this!)
"I have to leave early can i stay here tonight Madonna (My lady) I'll be gone before you and your farther wake in the morning." You agree that night he didn't hold you in his arms it was like having a total diffrent man in bed with you. In mer hours Ezio had changed.

-The next day-
You wake to an empty house expect for the maids.
"May where is Papa?" You ask.
"You will have to wait till he comes back." They all looked at me with such sadness. I was so confused.

I changed and waited for word. Soon your farther came home he rushes into your room and sits down next to you.

"Y/n......Giovanni Federico and Petruccio.....were." He seemed to choke over his words.
"They were sentenced to death.....so is Ezio...." He noticed you changing. You collapse.

-A few hours pass- It was late but you decided to sneak out and get some fresh air.
"Y/n Madonna...(My Lady)" A famlair voice. You turn to see that famlair figure and rush to it.

He holds you close.
"Tell me Ezio what can i do?" You ask holding onto one of his hands.
"My farther and brothers still hang from the gallows i can't leave them there." Ezio Explains you can hear the hurt in his voice.
"Of course lead the way." You follow Ezio he leads you though so many alleys.

"There are gone!" Ezio explained.
"Hide yourself Y/n I'll find out where they are." You follow his words and hide in an alley that was near by.
"Come with me Y/n...They're down by the river." Ezio and you walk to where you see two guards who seem to have fallen asleep.
You watch Ezio take his family one by one down to the fiver and set them into a boat. You stand with Ezio as he sets them off.

After a while you and Ezio stop outside your home.
"Y/n I have to leave the city.....and I want you to come with me......"
You pause and think.
"E-Ezio.....I really want to but Papa it would kill him....." You feel tears rim your eyes.
"It's okay I shouldn't of asked...come here." He holds you close to him.
He pulls a neckless off of his neck and places it on you.
"This way we will always be together...My love." He brings you in for a kiss. You watch him leave he vanishes into the night.

"I love you....." You whisper as you hold the pendent tight in your hand.  

The Assassin I Love (Ezio Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now