The Attack

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  Your POV.

What a night it had been truly a night of love between me and Ezio. We just laid there for a while looking at each other we did not care for what was going on outside till i noticed the sun had come up on us once more. That was when mother care came into play when Little Rose began to cry. I move from Ezio's grip and slip on my nightgown that was near the pile of clothes from the night before.

I slowly pick her up and bring her back to the bed with Ezio. Once I was done feeding her Ezio had a hold of her. "Y/n My Love......I wanted you to know if we never get to marry I already class you as a Auditore and my love for all the days to come both of you are the lights in my life." Ashe finished we started hearing loud bangs.

"What was that?!" I asked.
"They're Practicing I think." Ezio replied as he handed Rose back to me. When out of no where BANG! A cannon ball hit the Villa's roof lucky it hit the bottom of the room the problem was Ezio's Armor and Codex Pages Weapons were in the rubble. Ezio sheltered the baby and i from any falling bits of the roof while we exited.

"Go to the study and open the sanctuary if this is an attack that is where our towns people will exit." Ezio explained as he grabbed his farther's blade which he kept close to him at all times.

"Be careful Ezio." I told him as he looked at me and Rose once more I knew the look very well. It was his worried look not just for us but for his life. I rushed to the study where Maria and Claudia were waiting and few towns people already started to fill in. They were waiting for me as i was the only one other than Ezio and Mario who knew how to open the Sanctuary.

As i pulled back the book the bookcase moved to revel a door way. "Everyone quickly inside!" Maria yelled. The panic had already consumed the people I knew i had to stay calm and collected for the sake of Rose and Ezio's Family. Everyone slowly started to fill in.

"The Borgia have broken though the gates!" One of Mario's Men called that was the signal to move the people to the outer walls of Monteriggioni. Maria had gone into the Sanctuary with Rose to be safe while Claudia ran out to find Ezio for Ezio was her last brother. I tried calling after her but Mario's men stopped me.
"My Lady Messer (Sir) Ezio wants you safe get to the Sanctuary!" I sighed and followed their orders and went into the Sanctuary nearly all the town's people were out thank god. We waited for Ezio till the very last Second when we heard Claudia's Voice and Ezio's.

"Thank god your safe My Love." He Embraced me and then his mother "We must g-" He grabbed his side in pain he groaned. I look down to see blood on his shirt.

"E-Ezio you're hurt." I mutter he looks at me. "We must go Mother give me Rose Y/n Mother Claudia stay close it will be very Dangerous on the way out." We slowly made our way though the caves that were under the Villa.

Ezio wasn't wrong it was very dangerous the ceiling nearly collapsed on us. As we crossed a bridge Ezio noticed some of the Borgia Guards had found us Ezio thought fast and cut the rope on the Bridge and sent it into the darkness. Before we continued going a man who seemed to be waving his sword at Ezio I looked closer to see.....Mario's Head Ezio pushed me ahead.

"This will be you and your little wife." Cesare yelled. Ezio gritted his teeth and turned away and ran to catch up with us.

Soon we seen the light hitting our eye and the wind chilling our bones. We stopped as more of Mario's Men yelled.
"The Borgia Guards are circling the town!" Ezio sighed he looked so tired and drawn and angry and there was hit of sadness.

"Where is Uncle Mario? I thought he'd be with you?" Claudia asked.
"He's Dead." Ezio said with such sadness in his voice. Maria's face soon changed to shock for that was Giovanni and Mario both just gone.
Ezio passed me Rose before telling us what to do.

"Go to Firenze (Florence) Be safe. Get me a Horse!" Ezio yelled that was when i knew we would be separated once more.
"Your not coming with us? Where are you riding?" Claudia asked.

"To Roma (Rome)." He explained as he came to me.
"I'm so sorry this had to happen my love. Oh I wish you could come with me but i know it is not safe. Please be careful and take care of our beautiful girl.....I Love You." He kissed me for the longest time before he broke away and saddled his horse and rode off. We watched him vanish into the distance.

Once more we were alone. No Money nothing just three women and a child. We knew we had to leave and now so we started making our way to Florence when we stopped at a barn that Maria Claudia and Ezio stayed in the day they left Florence.

Luckily no one knew us and besides we only stayed there two nights. Claudia was silent Maria tried to help me settle Rose and as for thoughts were the moments before every thing was ripped apart when Ezio told me he already classed me as his wife. The love we shared that night would stay with me for a long time.

"We can't go to Florence." Claudia finally spoke. I looked at her as she looked at me.

"Our home is no longer there and Y/n's home isn't either since her farther died and they believed Y/n to have died to so they gave it to we have no choice but to join Ezio in Roma (Rome)" She stood up. I thought and then realized we had no where to stay if we went to Florence.

Maria sighed then said.
"But what about Y/n and the baby they can't walk all that way." Maria looked at me with little rose in my hands.

"Maybe we find a cart and some horse's." Claudia spoke.
That very day we found an old cart and luckily two horses. We started our long journey to Rome. But with a heavy heart knowing that at this time Rome was taken over by the Borgia. What would await us there?
Would be putting Ezio in danger?....there was no turning back now.....  

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