The Poodle in My High School- Chapter 1

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The Poodle in my High School: Chapter 1 

I glance at her doubtfully. She has shoulder-length brown hair with blond streaks that's somehow puffed up at the ends, making her look like some sort of poodle, and she has an unfriendly sneer on her face. 

"Uh, can I help you?" I ask, trying not to raise my eyebrows at her bizarre appearance. Inexplicably, however, this girl seems to think she's the height of cool, for she's staring down at me as if I'm some type of unpleasant bug. 

"So you're the new girl we've been hearing so much about," she smiles nastily, venom dripping from every word. She glances at Ellie, who's sitting beside me. "Pity, Not even one day here and already you've latched onto some scum." 

Ellie looks down, hurt. "Excuse me," I say slowly, standing to face her. "Who do you think you're calling scum?" Every part of me is screaming to not get on the wrong side of her, but I barrel onwards. "Ellie is the nicest person I've met today... including you." 

Poodle looks a little taken aback and I guess very few people have dared to stand up to her, but then she smiles again. "Temper, temper," she croons, shaking her head. "We've got a fiery one here," she adds in an undertone to the girl standing beside her. They exchange a quick glance and nod. 

"Well, now," Poodle says, turning back to me and ignoring Ellie completely. "We have a little preposition for you, don't we, Janet?" With the two of them smiling so sickeningly, they look like a pair of evil mutant poodles, and I fight the urge to laugh. 

"You see," Poodle is telling me, "we think you'd do quite well with us." I realise what she's about to say a second before she says it. "And we're extending an offer of... friendship." Another evil smile. "Will you join us?" 

I consider, and for a second I'm afraid to admit I'm tempted. Clearly these girls are highly admired (though I'm still not sure why); their egos are the size of hot air balloons. No one would dare tease me if I was one of them. I shake this thought away just as another one hits me. 

"Sure, as long as your preposition," I exaggerate the word, "includes Ellie, too." I smile, knowing what their answer will be. 

"Are you kidding?" Poodle asks, sneering. "Scum like that? What do you think we are, a home for stray dogs?" She and Poodle#2 snigger. 

"A home for stray dogs, huh? Well, I guess that explains why you're in it, Poodle." 

"WHAT did you just call me?" she hisses furiously, now resembling an overgrown bat with serious constipation. 

"Poodle," I reply, trying my hardest not to laugh. "Because, well, have you looked in the mirror lately?" 

"How- DARE- you!!" she snarls. I swear, she even sounds like a poodle now. 

"Because I can," I tell her coolly. "Come on, Ellie, we're going." Ellie looks up, and tears are running down her face from her laughter. 

Together we turn our back on them and cross the schoolyard, leaving Poodle and Co staring open-mouthed after us.

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