The Poodle in my High School- Chapter 10

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The Poodle in my High School- Chapter 10

Kyle is my partner for Animal Studies. And if that's not bad enough, I'm going to have to ask him what we actually have to do, since I was busy spacing out at the time. Awesome, huh? 

But anyway, I don't have much time to dwell on the fact because it's the end of another day of school. As I'm walking home with Harley I realise that Poodle hasn't approached me all day, which is worrying. Who knows what she's up to? 

I tell Harley this, and he, being the well-meaning but sometimes pea-brained big brother that he is, simply shrugs and says, "Maybe she regrets yesterday. Maybe she'll leave you alone now." 

"Ha!" I snort, causing a few birds to fly off the power lines they'd been perched on in alarm. "Yeah, and maybe Cherrie's actually a dog! Hmm..." I trail off sarcastically, "so that's why she's been wagging her tail alot lately..." 

"Oh, very funny," Harley frowns, but he's unable to completely hide his smile. "I was only trying to help." 

"Yeah, that's why I'm concerned," I say seriously. "Are you feeling alright?" 

"Absolutely hilarious, Keelie. Gee, this is why I love having you as a sister." 

I roll my eyes and then laugh. "No, but really, it's weird. Yesterday she couldn't seem to leave me alone, and then today... nothing." 

"Why are you asking me?" Harley asks after a short pause. "How am I meant to know how your multiple personality minds work?" 

"Anyway," I barge on, deciding to avoid the question and change the subject, "how are you and Jay going?" 

"Hrmph," Harley hrmphs. "No comment." 

I take that to mean that they're much the same as yesterday, if not worse. 

We're near the end of our street, panting heavily from the heat, when I see them. The two figures ahead of us that had just come into our sight over the rise are, undoubtedly, Poodle and Jay. Harley and I glance at eachother and I'm just about to tell him that this will probably be Poodle's latest chance to interrogate me, but I'm cut off by her loud whining. It pierces through the sweltering air and starts giving me an immediate headache. 

"But it's not FAIR, Jason! Why do we have to walk home when it's so hoooooooot?" She draws out this last word for at least five seconds and I roll my eyes.  

I don't hear her brother's reply but I guess he must have snapped at her because she continues, "Don't be so mean! I bet none of my FRIENDS have to walk home, I bet all their parents are nice enough to pick them up! Why wouldn't you let me get a lift with them, this is so UNFAAAAIRR!"  

Gah! I just feel like running up to her and shouting at her to stop sounding like a spoilt, bratty two-year-old. Which is exactly what she is... well, almost. Heh, just wait until I unleash my master plan... Okay, okay, so I still have to figure out the precise details, but I will soon enough, and it will be awesome. 

We tail Jay and Poodle all the way back to our house and manage to slip down our driveway unnoticed. Phew. After that half an hour of endless complaining, courtesy of my dear neighbour, I don't think I'd be able to restrain myself if I had to talk to Sally Scott.


It's almost dusk and I'm sitting at the edge of our creek, watching the water run peacefully over the mini-waterfall and listening to the wind softly stirring the trees. The whole afternoon had been spent doing homework, and I'd escaped down here for a while. 

I sigh in contentment. I love it here. It's so quiet and relaxing and calm, a little bit of peace in my crazy life. My head snaps up as I hear a rustle coming from nearby, but it stops just as suddenly as it started and I shake my head. Being paranoid is the third sign of madness. 

I adjust my position on the bank and watch a dragonfly's process across the water. It's heading towards a small waterlily, but it's intercepted by another dragonfly. They start to buzz around together until the first starts heading towards the waterlily again, and it's almost there- 


A huge, and I mean HUGE log cannonballs into the creek, hitting the exact spot the dragonflies had been a second before. But I don't really think about that because I'm suddenly drenched in icy cold water. 

"Ergh!!" I shriek, jumping up and looking around for who's responsible. Because, needless to say, enormous tree trunks don't suddenly decide to jump into creeks. 

After a quick scan I can't see anyone, so I start to wring out my soaking wet hair and peer more closely between the trees. I have to admit, if the culprit had planned to drench me, which they most likely had, it had definitely worked. 

Ten minutes later, after searching every square centimetre of the surrounding area, I conclude that whoever had done it is long gone. By now the cold air is making me start to shiver so I trudge back up to the house.

Harley starts to laugh uncontrollably when he sees me. 

"Shuddup," I mutter through chattering teeth as I shuffle towards the bathroom, but his laughter follows me like a badly tuned echo. 

I'm in the shower when it hits me. Of course! Why hadn't I realised sooner? Who would think it amusing to completely soak me in water for no apparent reason?  

"Poodle," I spit to myself. And she'd need help to lift that huge branch, wouldn't she? Definitely- who could imagine Poodle risking a precious nail for my cause? 

"Poodle and Jason Scott," I clench my teeth, "you think you've won, huh? Well, let me tell you something. It hasn't even begun."


Harley's still chuckling when I dawdle back into the lounge room. "Aw, get over it, Harley," I tell him crossly. "It's your best friend that did it, after all." 

That shuts him up. "What?" 

"Did you really think I just waltzed into the creek, Harley?" I reason, exasperated. 

"Well, no, but it is you we're talking about..." 

"You know what? I just lost the urge to tell you," I sigh, sliding out of the room. Big brothers can be SO immature! 

As I predicted, Harley's curiosity soon gets the better of him. "Geez, sorry, okay? What was it that you were saying about Jay?"  

I saunter back into the lounge and plop down lazily on a chair, yawning. I LOVE leaving him hanging like this. Not very nice, I know, but you don't know the half of it... 

"I don't know for sure, but I'm almost positive that it was Sally and Jay." After a glance at his confused face, I continue, "I was sitting by the creek, completely innocent," -Harley snorted-, "when suddenly this colossal log fell into it and totally drenched anything within two metres, i.e. me. But I couldn't find anyone anywhere. Hang on," I realise suddenly, "I did hear a noise before it happened, but I just thought it was nothing." 

"Stupid Jay," he mutters under his breath. 

"You do know we have to get them back, right?" 

"Of course... any ideas?" 

"Well, I do have one..." As I lean over to whisper in his ear, Harley's grin grows wider and wider until it's slightly alarming. 

"Perfect, lil sis," he nods when I'm finished. "Absolutely perfect."

Mwah hah hahhhh... sorry about the sort of cliffhanger. Well, not really lol. 

Any ideas on what they're planning?  

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Til next chapter, Katkrazy^.^

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