The Poodle in my High School- Chapter 12

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The Poodle in my High School- Chapter Twelve

As I’m walking to school I wonder if Poodle will turn up today. Unlikely, but there’s always the chance that she’ll waltz in as if she was meant to do it all along, and by next week it’ll be the latest trend. I really hope this isn’t the case- I don’t want to boost her popularity, after all.

I run into Ellie as I’m walking to class and tell her what I’ve done.

“Really?!” she exclaims in hushed tones. “No way! You’re joking!” Then at my expression she seems to decide I’m not, because she adds, “What if you were caught?”

“Well, I wasn’t,” I say triumphantly, “And besides, even if I was, it’d be worth it.”

“She won’t turn up.” Ellie sounds positive of this. “There’s no way she would. She’ll stay at home for a day or two and get rid of it.” I only half-listen to her though, because I’ve just spotted something. Something unbelievable.

“Oh really?” I smile. “Then tell me, Ellie, why she is currently standing over there talking to our dear friend Kyle.”

“What?!” She spins around to check that it’s true, which it is.

At first glance I’d simply thought Kyle was with another guy, but then she had turned sideways and her unmistakable features had come into view. The reason I’d been unsure is because perched on her head is a strange dark grey beanie-ish creation that effectively hides my handiwork while making her look like a member of the opposite gender.

“Oh my gosh, she’s actually here!” Ellie laughs. “I don’t believe it!”

“Sally!” shrieks one of the other girls in our class. I recognise her as the platinum blonde one I’d seen with her on my first day here. She stops in her tracks when she gets a proper view of her leader. “What’s that on your head?!”

Poodle gives her a glare so withering that she slinks off into a corner, while Ellie and I burst into uncontrollable giggles, which immediately destroys our plan of trying to act composed.

Kyle notices us and points us out to Poodle. Half the class’ eyes follow his finger and look at Ellie and me. “Way to be subtle, Kyle,” I whisper, watching the pair stalk towards us.

Poodle doesn’t say anything, but her mouth forms a furious line and I know she’s going to explode any second. I have enough sense to know I shouldn’t say anything to infuriate her even more, but it’s far too tempting. “Why good morning, Sally and Kyle. What can we do to help you? I must say, lovely style,” I add, gesturing towards her beanie. “But what is it, exactly?”

I swear I see her eyes flash red for a second, and they bug out dangerously. Kyle looks livid and he opens his mouth to say something but Poodle stops him and instead snarls, “You’re dead, Keelie. DEAD.”

Could you spell that for me? I think, but decide not to push my luck. “What did I do?” I frown instead, faking innocence.

“You know perfectly well what you did,” she whispers, sounding positively deadly.

“Honestly, I have no clue,” I reply airily. “But do you know, Sally, the strangest thing happened yesterday when I was down at the creek.”

Kyle looks confused, but one look at Poodle’s face and I can tell she knows what I’m talking about. Phew! I’d been worried that maybe it hadn’t been her after all, and that my prank had been unprovoked. Whatever you think I’m capable of, even I wouldn’t do something like this to Poodle for no reason.

“What happened?” Kyle asks Poodle, frowning. I grin as she turns slowly from red to a definite shade of purple.

“Nothing happened. Do you hear me? Nothing. Happened. Did it Keelie?” She spits out each word so slowly I forget what she was saying and take a few moments to realise she’d asked me something.

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