The Poodle in my High School- Chapter 4

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The Poodle in my High School- Chapter 4 

"Good afternoon, class, and welcome back to term three," our teacher greets us. "As most of you know, I'm Mr Brenden, but you can call me Mr B, of course," he smiles. Mr B has light brown hair that's slowly greying, a reassuring sort of smile and twinkling grey eyes. "For those among us who haven't done Animal Studies before, I'll explain what this elective involves." 

I glance around at my class. No Poodle, thank goodness, but no Ellie, either. I can only hope that I'll be able to find her again next break. Realising that everyone else seems to be listening to Mr B, I quickly tune in to what he is saying. 

"Now, this subject is a very unique opportunity. Very few schools in Australia have anything like it. Let me explain what it involves. Animal studies is actually split into two minor groups, Agri Studies and Domestic Studies. Agri, or agriculture, involves farm animals and domestic is the smaller, more common pet, such as a cat or dog." He pauses and seems to study us closely before continuing. 

"I'll warn you now that there is no room for misbehaving in this class. If you miss a piece of critical information when you're fooling around, it might mean that you can't save an animal's life sometime in the future." 

The class grows silent. I'm relieved that they seem to be fairly normal- no stupid boys making sick jokes and sniggering under their breath, or prissy girls fighting for a spot in front of any reflective surface. I'm glad- the last thing I need is to make another enemy. I lean a bit closer, only half listening to Mr B. I'm studying the walls, upon which are a number of posters depicting the anatomy of various animals from a cat right up to a horse, aswell as lists of animal diseases and countless others. 

"If you have proved yourself to be a responsible, worthy student," Mr B is saying, "then at the end of the year you will be offered to participate in a- well, a traineeship of sorts, either at a nearby farm or the local veterinary surgery." 

"Cool," I breathe. Ask anyone I know and they'll tell you that ever since I could talk, my dream has been to be a vet. It's never ever changed. I have a strong passion for animals and would do anything to help them, so I guess a vet is just the natural course for me. 

I'm suddenly aware that Mr B, and the rest of the class, is looking at me. Oops! I must've completely disconnected. "P-pardon?" I stammer, my face going red. 

"James over here just told me that you're new," Mr B replies patiently. 

"Oh- oh, yes, I am," I reply, embarrassed at even more attention. 

"Are you liking it so far?" he asks. I'm surprised. What, no 'introducing to the class' stuff? 

"Yeah, it's really different from my old school though," I answer, feeling slightly more at ease. Mr B is definitely my favourite teacher so far. 

Mr B starts to ask me something else but is interrupted by a knock on the door. For a fleeting moment I think it's Harley again for who knows what reason, but it turns out to be none other than... I groan. Oh crud. 

"Sorry I'm late, Mr Brendan," Kyle says, sliding into a spare seat in the corner of the room. To my surprise, he actually sounds sorry, too. And he's not surrounded by swarms of assorted weirdos, either. Hmmm... maybe he's not as big a jerk as I thought. But this thought vanishes when his eyes sweep across the room, rest on me, and noticeably harden. Looks like this morning hasn't been forgotten. 

"Ah, Kyle," Mr B smiles. Hang on, smiles? Aren't jerks like Kyle supposed to be the ones always messing around? "For those of you who don't know, Kyle has been doing Animal Studies for the past few years and has excelled at it. He's participating in a twice a week course at Narang Hill Agricultural College." I can't help but feel impressed. Narang Hill Agri College is a top-of-the-range high school for students who'd like to specialise in veterinary for larger animals. People like me. But the only problem is, it's very, very expensive. Kyle must be good if he was offered a course there. 

So that's where he was in Maths! Not wagging, after all. Strange. How does he stay popular if he's smart? Well, Harley does, I remind myself. But do all the girls think Kyle's hot? I know I don't. Very strange. I guess you get exceptions in every cliché. 

One thing's for sure- if Kyle's in this class and I'm in this class, and we both prefer larger animals, then I guess I'll be seeing alot more of him then I originally hoped.  

Fabulous. What an awesome way to start what was originally my favourite subject. 

As if I'd said this last thought aloud, from across the room, Kyle gives me a sarcastic wave, followed by the finger. 

Yep, this is just great. 

I can see this semester's going to be so. Much. Fun. 

Ha! In my dreams.

Thanks for reading . Hope you liked it and could maybe vote/comment? Thanks heaps if you do I don't know when my next update will be, my assignments are starting to pile up argh!!! 

Katkrazy ^.^

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