Chapter 4

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The sounds of lockers slamming, shoes squeaking and people chatting fill my ears. I literally have to squeeze through people, trying to navigate through the hallways of school. I accidentally hit a few people with my bag but they don't acknowledge it.

Finally entering my locker bay, two people are in mad and hot make out session again my locker. Just great. I wait awkwardly for them to realize they were tongue wrestling in front of my locker. I am about to open my mouth to tell them to move, but the guy takes control of the kiss and rolls him and the girl away, against and across the bay. Classy.

Twisting my combination on the lock, my locker pops open. I start shoving in my textbooks and binders in my bag as quickly as possible. After barely squeezing in my Algebra 2 textbook, I put my bag by my feet. Unzipping my jacket, I expose my baby pink and white plaid shirt that reaches down to my elbows. Hoisting my bag up, I shrug the bag back up my shoulder, giving out a little grunt. Pressing pause, I stop Rihanna midsentence. Sliding my purple beats off my head, I rest them on my neck. I grab my ponytail from underneath the headphones and pull it out and let it hang over my beats. Slamming my locker shut I start moving out of my locker bay.

"Hey Cassie!" Jessica from 5th period World History waves at me.

"Hey." I smile back.

Tons of people say hi to me and I say it back. I don't know how I got this but I have the reputation of being everyone's best friend, even though mine is Gabe. I guess it's the way I come across people. I don't know. But basically everyone in school knows my name and all teachers trust me. I guess it's not the worst thing in the world but it can be annoying at times.

"Hey Layla." I walk up to my close friend. She doesn't seem to notice me as her nose is shoved in a magazine. Lifting the cover up so I can see it, I can't help the smirk at the gigantic 'Pop Magazine' letters spelled over the front.

Layla jerks back, noticing someone is touching her magazine but relaxes when she sees that it's me.

"Oh hi." Layla smiles her blindingly white teeth. Layla is very pretty, she looks like she's a model without trying. Her curly blonde hair always styled to perfection, even if that means just leaving it down, running a brush through it quickly. Her light sapphire eyes twinkle whenever she smiles brightly, which you rarely see her not do.

"Whatcha reading?" I ask curious at who's article it is in the newest issue of Pop.

Instead of telling me, she turns her hands and arms so I can see the exact pages she's on. I nearly burst out laughing when I see the *Brunette logo on the page.

"Seriously, Brunette is a genius reporter. No one can come close to her. She always gets the best dirt and information out of the celebs. Her articles are just purely amazing. Like this one, about Harry Styles, perfection in writing! Are you sure you don't know who Brunette is?" Layla asks.

Okay, I try my best to be honest all the time but I do need to make a few exceptions from time to time. Besides Mr. Woods, Gabe and part of the staff of Pop, no one knows that I'm Brunette. After I got amazing reviews for my article, Mr. Woods made the decision to keep my identity a secret when it comes to magazine business. The other part of the not-in-the-loop staff thinks I do layout. As does Layla and my parents. They just think I got an amazing paying internship. They don't realize that I write the articles that they are so wrapped up in. I hate lying about it but I know it's for the best.

"No, but you'll be the first to know if I ever find out." I answer Layla's question.

"I better be." She winks jokingly.

"Hey babe!" I hear someone call from down the hall. I cringe, oh jesus no. I turn around horrified to see Jake strutting the hallway towards me. Layla shoots me an uneasy look before Jake reaches us.

"Jake, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me 'babe'?" I groan.

"Sure thing babe." He teases me. This boy I swear... He flashes me a toothy grin that would make any girl melt on the spot, in his arms. Any girl but me. He is the stereotypical jock. Captain of the football team, good looking with his light brown hair cut in a crewcut and dark blue eyes, and as dumb as a rock.

"Hey Layla." Jake smiles.

"Jake." She hisses. Layla doesn't like Jake as much as I don't like him. I think we are two of the only people who don't like him. Everyone is either too intimidated by the superstar quarterback or too swayed to know not to not like him.

Layla and Jake have their own history and even I don't know the entire story, and we're really close friends. She told me that what he did was too horrible for words. I take her word for it and not push the topic farther, knowing it's a sensitive subject for her. She crosses her arms furiously across her chest and glares at him. Either he doesn't see her or he decides to ignore her and smiles at me. 

"You know that I scored the winning touchdown last Saturday, right?" Jake asks me.

"Yes. You told me, fourteen times." I remind him sarcastically.

"Oh yeah. So what happened was it was the final minute of the game, we needed a touchdown to win. I caught the ball and looked for someone open. Seeing there was no one, I raced through the field. I was chased but no one is fast enough to catch me. Crossing the end zone, it was only seconds to spare, winning the game for us." He boasts, retelling the story for the fourteenth time. "And you know what I was thinking? I was thinking that I need to win this for my Cassie."

"I'm not yours." I tell him for what feels like the billionth time.

"Not yet." He winks. I shudder and mentally groan, this boy doesn't know someone not interested even if they are right next to him. Especially I am right next to him and he still has no freaking clue.

He attempts to throw an arm around my shoulders but I duck and dodge out of the way. Jake looks me in the eye and gives me a puppy-dog pout.

"Aw, you're making me sad. Do you want me sad Cassie?" Jake asks.

Luckily the bell rings before I have to answer. "Bye Jake." I hurry out before grabbing Layla by her bag and dragging her with me in the flow of the crowd towards English.

Note: Hey guys! 2 updates in 2 days! I'm happy with how much I got done especially since Thanksgiving is tomorrow.

Please Vote/Comment! I would really love to hear your thoughts on the chapter or the book.

Love ya!


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