Chapter 2

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So as I continued to get to know the girl with the broken heart and boy problems I learned there isn’t much more than what meets the eye. Taylor Swift appeared to me, in my disguise of course, as she appears to the world on the regular day. She always seemed to relate whatever we were talking about to one of her exes and how much they suck. She even showed me a little bit of her new song. So, beware next victim… I mean boyfriend of Taylor Swift, break her heart and she will have a few choice words and background music to say to you.


I dramatically type in my Pop Magazine name and throw my hands in the air. “DONE!” I sing. From behind me I hear someone snickering and I spin quickly in my spiny chair and loudly clap my hand on the arm rests of my chair.

I raise my eyebrow when I see that it’s Gabe. Reaching back I grab one of my pencils from my desk and throw it lightly at him. But this doesn’t stop his laughing from filling the air. I just roll my eyes at him as he reaches through his fake, big, black yet fashionable nerd glasses to wipe the area surrounding his dark green eye.

“What?” I huff annoyed.

“I’m sorry I just love the shortness of your signoff name.”

“What does that mean?”

“I mean like how it seems like you are the most uncreative person ever. All it is, is your hair color. At least mine has some depth in it.”

“Yes because ‘Super Cute Dude’ is such a deep name.” I sass.

“Hey. At least I speak the truth.” He counters.

I roll my eyes again causing him to chuckle. But there is no denying it. My best friend is good looking. His brown hair is pushed to the side in the front like always. The rest of his head is hidden behind a backwards snapback. His eyes are a pure and amazing dark green. The same color as forest green. His smile is wide and bright with his perfectly white teeth. But he puts them behind those goofy fake nerd glasses that he always insists on wearing. But there are absolutely, by any means, no romantic feels between Gabe and I. We have been best friends for as long as I can remember.

When we were in preschool, we were sat together at snack the first day and somehow, BOOM, instant best friendship. Even though we are in different districts of Manhattan, and we went to different schools after preschool, we remained best friends. When we were both looking for jobs Gabe found Pop Magazine was hiring and dragged me along for it. At first, I admit, I didn’t want to go because I didn’t like the idea of working for a magazine but after getting to know the staff, work condition and terms and my job and its responsibilities, I fell in love with it. So I owe that to Gabe too.

At first when we went for the interview, Mr. Woods was surprised to have teens come because, even though it’s a teen magazine, not many teenagers come to work. It’s a mystery to me why no other teens but Gabe and I work there; it is literally the best job ever. Wanting fresh workers with the “way to decrypt the teenager mind” as Mr. Woods, my boss and head of Pop Magazine puts it, he hired us both. Now we’re pretty infamous amongst the staff.

But we’re not normal reporters. Sometimes, depending on the celeb, he has us go undercover and try and get the dirt on them. Like with Selena Gomez and that’s how I got to know the real Selena Gomez and not the person who they want us to know about.

“Oh shut up.” I say, continuing out conversation.

“Not even you can deny it, Cass.” Gabe winks teasingly. Walking over to his desk, which is right across from mine, he snags some of my peanut M&Ms that I keep on my desk in a large glass jar in his hand. Crashing on his own chair he pops in one by one each of my M&Ms.

Reaching across my table I enclose my hand over the colorful chocolate candies. They left over ones rattle against its glass case as my hand comes out of the top. Like Gabe, I let one candy fall at a time. My teeth easily break through the chocolate covering before meeting the crunchy peanut center.

“If you get to see my work I get to see yours.” I state, getting off my chair and walking around to Gabe’s. Leaning down, I read his article about Robin Thicke quickly and carefully. He is a great writer but I smirk when I catch a mistake.

“You spelled 'occurred' wrong.” I point out.

“No I didn’t.” Gabe says boldly.

“Occurred is spelled with an ‘o’ not an ‘a’.”

“Where is it?”

I point on his screen the mistake which is followed by Gabe’s furious typing. Walking back to my seat I plop down on its cushioned bottom. From the other side of my desk I hear a loud grumble. I laugh loudly when I see that Gabe staring at his stomach.

“Someone’s hungry.” I say through a fit of giggles.

“You got that right. Wanna grab something after work?”

“Sure.” I agree before taking my purple beats off my neck and putting them back over my ears and pressing play.

Note: There we go with chapter 2! Hope everyone liked it! Don't worry, the story is only starting and the fun has yet to come, so is the main idea I have for this book. I will update as soon as I can.

Please Vote/Comment! I really want to hear from you guys and what you think of it. 

Love ya,


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