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Beyoncé POV

I blast jazz music on my car's radio and set out for the office building.

About 30 minutes later, I park my vintage, Cherry MG in a garage close to where the office building is supposed to be. The car is in great condition, but I've almost busted it so many a times. Me and my baby (the car) have been through a whole damn lot together. Let's have a moment of silence for my wonderful car...

I step out of the garage onto the streets of Tribeca. This business Mrs. Fenty owns must prosper if the headquarters are in the city of Tribeca. Shiiiitt, Meryl Streep herself owns a home here.

A bunch of swanky and stuck up looking business men walk past me. One of the business men, a very pale man, looks at my hair with a look of confusion and disgust while another looks at my body with hungry eyes. Have these men ever learned common decency? It's not polite to stare. My parents made sure that I was raised in a normal environment. I went to a decent school, had normal friends, and I definitely wasn't spoiled. My mother and father made me work for any gifts they would give me. I'm glad for that now. If they hadn't, I might have ended up like these fools. Snooty and unhappy. These bastards have this uppity air about them that I've rarely been exposed to. I figured that I would eventually be exposed to such people once I started working at a law firm. I give the man who ogled me a pointed look and he immediately turns away and keeps walking.

I see richly dressed women with small dogs in fancy clothing and expensive hats covering the women's freshly done hair. They give me subtle looks. I bet they're wondering what a black girl is doing in a neighborhood like this. I'm wearing a nice black dress but I'm starting to think I should've worn something less... revealing.

As I approach the building, I tuck loose strands of hair behind my ear and rub my neck nervously. Maybe I shouldn't have worn a cute af dress.

Suddenly my younger sister, Solange, calls. "Hey sis aren't secretaries supposed to wear girly clothes that show off their curves? I don't know shit about being a secretary." I say earnestly, cutting off anything she was about to say.

"If you want ya bosses to try and make a move on you, sure. Did you wear a cocktail dress for a job interview or something? YOU DUMBB BIIITTTCHHH."Solange says while laughing. She really thinks this is the funniest shit in the world.

"Bitch calm down. I'll make a professional impression on my future employers. A dress that makes me look nice shouldn't make anyone think of me as anything less than a business woman." I say confidently.

"Sis, you shouldn't have worn that damn skin tight dress. You have prominent curves in all the right places. Any woman would kill to have your body. Any man man would kill to have a girl with a body like yours. Don't utilize your attractiveness just yet Bey. You've got to play your cards right to get ahead in the secretary game."

"M'kay well it's too late to change now, Solange. If Mrs. Fenty interviews me, she probably won't mind or think too much about my dress." I say. If my future boss was a man then I would have something to worry about.

"I still can't get over this. You always wear boyish clothing and you're the stud of all studs but on the one day it would be useful to dress in a masculine way, YOU'RE SUDDENLY A BARBIE." Solange yells through laughter.


"I'm definitely not dressed like a Barbie, Solange. I'm wearing black and I am black. Last time I checked, Barbie's were white as fuck and always wore pink." I point out.

I stop walking and hang up the phone. I find myself at the entrance of the Fenty building. Wow. It's huge....

*snicker* That's what she said.

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