The Interview

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Rihanna POV

        6 interviews in and I'm ready to run away from all of my responsibilities. This is a huge waste of my time. All of the interviewees are pretty qualified but they are boring a little too eager to be a secretary for God's sake. I don't want to hire anyone I've seen yet. I turn my chair around to face the windows.

        I pick up the phone and call my secretary. 

        I sigh exasperatedly. She picks up the phone and before she can say anything I ask, "how many more are left?" 

"I think there are 2 people left." Kate says happily.

"No one has impressed me so far so these last two members will hopefully impress me." I say and tap my desk with my trusty blue pen.

"I doubt they will. Some tramp wearing a short black dress and a nerd with chili stains on his shirt are the only two left. Why can't I be your one and only secretary Ms. Fenty? I've been doing fine with the workload these past few days." She says slyly, thinking she's being charming but she really isn't.

        I scoff. "Don't be ridiculous Kate." I pause and think for a second. 

"Send the woman with the black dress in." I command.

         It'll be refreshing to see someone wearing something other than a dull suite on for once in this office. 

Beyoncé POV

"Ms. Knowles, Ms. Fenty will see you now." Kate says with the same phony smile that was plastered on her face about an hour earlier. 

         I can't believe I've been waiting to be interviewed for a position as a secretary for an hour. A waste of time. Mm mm mm. 

        I straighten out my dress and walk gracefully to Ms. Fenty's door.

Rihanna POV

I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I say.

         In walks the most dazzling woman I have ever seen in my life. She is wearing a short and sparkly black dress with a suit jacket draped over her shoulder. Her bare arms sit at her sides. Her skin is the color of freshly made caramel. Her curly blonde hair falls down her shoulders, while a strand lays in front of her face.

         She smiles at me with just the right amount of confidence. Her teeth are perfectly straight and white. My eyes travel lower down her body. I never believed that a woman could naturally have a perfect hourglass figure but this woman does somehow. I'm absolutely encaptured by her beauty. It's strange how much I'm thinking about her appearance. I don't like women in that way but this female has me dazed, stunned, and awestruck.

She is here for an interview, pull it together Robyn. I look back up at her perfect face, big brown eyes, and dazzling smile. Again, my eyes gravitate to the thick strand of hair covering a part of her face.

She notices me staring at the strand of hair, so she runs a hand through her hair to put it back in it's place.

I stand up and walk over to her so I can greet her. Before I  say anything, I simply drink in her beauty from up close. My eyes search her's. She boldly holds my gaze and sticks out a hand. I blink and finally notice the hand extended towards me. She smirks.

"Beyoncé Knowles." She says softly.

I take her hand in mine. 

"Robyn Fenty." I say, gazing at her face in fascination for a few seconds. She looks down at our hands.

I realize that we still have not disconnected our hands.

I softly pull away and walk towards my desk. 

     What in the fuck. Why am I acting star struck? She is a random woman vying for a job as a secretary. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. Maybe it's because I was so bored in this office that anyone or anything mildly interesting captures all of my attention.

I turn back towards Beyoncé and look into her beautiful brown eyes. 

"So, Ms. Knowles. May I see your resumé?" I ask.

She smiles with this bold look in her eye. Usually, boldness and confidence within a person makes me dislike them but her confidence intrigues me. I cannot deny how alluring this woman is. 

She hands me a brown folder. I flip it open and look at it's contents.

She is a law school student. She has worked at several different restaurants and companies before this, so she definitely is not inexperienced. It says that she graduated top of her class at Columbia University so she must be smart. She's stuck with law school so she also must be driven. 

I look back up at her just to find her staring at me with a look in her eye that I cannot pin point. 

"Well Ms. Knowles, you look very qualified, in fact you look over qualified to be working as a secretary. May I ask why you want this job?" I would have hired her there on the spot but out of my own curiosity, I want to know why she wants to be a secretary.

She leans forward in her chair and runs a finger through her hair.

"Life experience as an adult." She says in a slightly raspy and enticing voice.

"I have a few years left before I throw myself completely into practicing law. Currently, I only spend my time going to law school, and doing homework given to me during classes. I need to experience something other than college and law school before diving into my permanent career of practicing law." She proclaims.

I stare at her for a few seconds. Again, she holds my stare. 

"Thank you for your time Ms. Knowles. It was nice to meet you." I say. 

She nods. 

"Same to you Ms. Fenty." She says and turns towards the door. I watch her saunter towards the door. 

She turns towards me one last time and smirks that captivating smirk before closing the door behind her. 

I turn around and run towards my phone. 

   I plop down on my chair and dial my secretary's number.

"Kate, cancel that other interview and prepare to call or email Ms. Knowles later today to inform her that she has earned a job here." I say trying to contain any excitement I feel.

"But Ms. Fenty-" 

"I've made my decision, Kate. There is a spot in this company that I want to be filled by Beyoncé Knowles."

Beyoncé POV

I walk out of the office and towards the elevator. Stares from other employees follow me as I walk past them. 

   I enter the elevator and lean my body against its walls. Why do I feel a connection to Robyn Fenty? And why do I feel like she feels the connection as well? She couldn't take her eyes off of me. She's a stunningly beautiful woman but she has a husband and as far as I and the rest of the world knows, she is as straight as a pole.

Why am I always attracted to women who already have partners? Robyn Rihanna Fenty is off limits.

Author's Note

Thank you all for reading and supporting this story! Don't forget to favorite and comment on this chapter! Feedback is much appreciated! 

Btw I'm not liking this Kate chick or Robyn's husband, Chris. 

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