Inner Conflict

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Beyoncé POV

      I collapse on the couch after a long day and set my microwaved chicken tenders on my chest. I check my texts and scroll through twitter. My textbook lay next to me and my dear cat, Mooshoo, decides to sit directly on my face. I lay there, content and relaxed. 

     Suddenly my phone rings, completely destroying the peaceful environment I have set up for myself. Damn technology. 

    I sigh. I guess I'll never have moments to myself for long periods of time.

I check the number. It's a number not saved in my contacts, but what the hell, I might as well answer it. It's not like I'm doing anything important right now. (That was a trick statement. You're damn sure I'm doing something important. It's called resting the mind and body. I'm also providing my cat with the love and affection she needs to live happily.)

"Hello, is this Ms. Knowles?" The voice says.

"Yes this is she. Who is this?" I ask politely. 

"I'm surprised you don't recognize my voice. It's Kate, Ms. Fenty's #1 secretary."

Oh that bitch. I roll my eyes from across the phone, but she can't see me. Who cares.

"Oh hi Kate! What brings you to my phone line?" I say trying to sound as sweet as possible. I already don't like the woman but I'm not trying to make enemies with her. After all, she is a stranger to me. I could start to like her in the future. Doubtful, but it could happen.

"Well, earlier today Ms. Fenty decided on which person would become her new secretary. I personally thought everyone who interviewed for the job was some degree of a loser..." 

    Pause. Did she just indirectly call me a loser? I'll fuck this girl up before she even knows what hit her! Before I do that, let me hear the rest of what she has to say...

"But yeah anyway.... She has chosen you to be her #2 secretary! Congratulations! You start on Monday. Work starts at 8am and your shift ends at 3pm. You don't need anything for your first day on the job except maybe a briefcase to store papers in." She exclaims, her voice dripping with fake enthusiasm. 

"That's great news! This is a great opportunity! I'll be there on Monday." I reply excitedly. 

     I honestly was not sure if Ms. Fenty would chose me to be her secretary. Sure, she might look at me some type of way but wouldn't it make more sense to avoid people you're attracted to when you're married? Not that she's attracted to me, but wouldn't I be some sort of distraction? And I know I'm definitely attracted to her. It really is too fuckin bad she's married. She a bad ting, can I get an amen!!! AMEN!

        I might as well not dwell on that now and just be happy I got the job. My dad'll be ecstatic.

Jolting me out of my thoughts, I feel Mooshoo shift on top of my face and Kate's heavy ass breathing polluting my phone line. 

         "Well Kate... um I have important business to attend to and you probably do too... so I've got to go. See you." I say quickly and hang up the phone before she can say anything.

I already know that bitch has some type of more than friendly love for Ms. Fenty. Kate ain't even subtle about either. As far as I can tell, she is on Fenty's ass, even when she's not around. I'm not trying to get involved with any love triangle that Mr. Fenty, Ms. Fenty, and Kate have. 

    I grab Mooshoo and carefully place her on the ground.

"Ooonnniiikaaaaa. I know you're still awake. Oniiikkkaaaaaaa. I need to talk to yoooouuuuu." I yell.

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