Set It Off

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(Yes a gif of a black haired Beyoncé smoking exists. Feast your eyes.)

3 Days Later

Beyoncé POV

I drum my fingers in boredom. It's a hella slow day at the office. It's so quiet, I can hear the steady tick of the small clocks littering the area as well as someone's "Knuck if You Buck" ringtone. I take a subtle glance into Robyn's office. She's biting her pen and spinning around in her wheelie chair. I guess she felt someone staring at her, because she suddenly looks up at me. She smirks slightly and gives me a small wave.

Because I have a thing for making signs, I take out a blank piece of paper and write "I'm bored" in all caps on the paper. I hold it up and angle it so only she can see it.

She laughs and gets out a piece of paper. After a few seconds she holds up a sign that reads, "do your job, wench."

Fine then biiitch. I scoff and put a hand on my heart in fake horror.

"Hey Beyoncé." Someone says suddenly. I flinch and jump a little in my chair. I hid the signs under my desk and awkwardly lean my head on hand, attempting to act natural. Nigga appeared from thin air. Came out the cut speaking loudly and shit.

"Some of us are going out for lunch, wanna come with?" The guy asks. He's one of my coworkers and his name is Zack. He's one of those light skinned guys who heterosexual women love to obsess over... Meh.

"Why thank you for the invitation. Let me get my purse and tell Ms. Fenty where I'm going." I say and hop jubilantly out of my seat.

Kate was apparently eavesdropping... little nosy ass. She bats her eyelashes a few times and giggles in a high pitched voice.

"You weren't going to invite me, Zacky." She says and pouts in an ugly looking way.


"Oh... well... I guess you can tag along Kate." Zack says awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck.

I should laugh at how desperate Kate/2017 Dolly Parton looks.

I knock on Ms. Fenty's glass door.

"Come in!" She yells from her chair.

"I'm going on my lunch break Ms. Fenty, do you want anything?" I ask professionally.

"Are you going alone?" She asks.

"Nah Zack and others are going with me. A long day of doing nothing has really affected me. I'm starving." I say, keel over, and put the back of my palm on my forehead for dramatic effect.

"Alright go on with your lazy self. And you know Zack has a crush on you. It's the most obvious office crush I've ever witnessed in my entire life." She says while twisting in her chair.

"First of all, I don't know who you're calling lazy. I have a 4.845890385 GPA in law school and a job making paper airplanes out of junk files. Second, no the hell he does not. Kate and Zack have some weird flirtation thing going on." I say, making wild hand gestures.

"Believe whatever you want to believe, toots. Just know that he is plotting on you." Robyn looks back at her work.

I shrug and take a lollipop out of my pocket, unpeel the wrapper, and put it in my mouth. Lollipops take me to my happy place... so does Steven Universe.

It's not weird.

I feel somebody tap me lightly.

"Beyoncé, you ready to go?" Zack says resting his hand on my shoulder.

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