What's Next?

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If you made it to the end of the book, then you obviously enjoyed it, or at least I hope you did.

Can I take a moment to introduce you to another story I think you might like?

Before I do that, I'd like to ask your opinion. What did you think of this story? Did you expect it to end up the way it did? If not, what did you think was going to happen? Was it hard to follow with the way it bounced back and forth in time? Any suggestions for improvements?

Go ahead and leave your comments. It's okay, I'll wait.

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Okay, now, another story that I think you might like. This one is written in the first person. It's called, How I Helped My Dad Heal His Broken Heart One Father's Day.

It's written from the point of view of the main character, a young boy relating the events of one father's day. It focuses on what that child, Adam, did to help his dad's broken heart to heal and at the same time help his mom to heal as well.

Part of the storyline is that Adam wanted to tell you, the reader, about that father's day so he wrote it down, but because of his age, his grammar and spelling isn't so good.

His mom did a little editing so that the reader could better understand, but she kept her edits to a minimum because she wanted to keep the feel and voice of the young child that had written the story. She felt that helped to make it all the more adorable, and would help you to hear the story in his voice.

What Adam wrote, is a letter to the reader, relating the events of that day. He talks about his sister and what happened to her and what he does to help his parents.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

--- "If you only read one more story today, this is the one you want to read. it's a story not to be missed. Once you read it, you'll want to tell your friends to read it. It's sweet, heartwarming, touching, and fun and exciting all in one. Sweetest child ever, If only more boys were this self-aware."
-- Okra's Book Club Online Review

© September 2011 by Sabrynabrooklynne.
This book and the book club review is a work of fiction and any resemblance to a real person, living or dead is completely coincidental. But if it does sound like someone you know, then that's freaking cool and I'd like to hear about it.

Here's an excerpt:

"... First I got to tell you about my baby sister. She was born four months ago. She died right after she came out of my mommy's tummy because she had a bad heart. They said her heart didnt grow right.

Mommy and daddy wanted a daughter really bad. Her death made my mom and dad very, very sad. It made me very, very sad too. I wanted to have a little sister. I woulda made a great older brother and woulda played with her all the time.

I don't think it very fair that she had to leave us so soon. Even though I didn't know her very much, I loved her a whole, whole lots..."

Enjoy! - ❤sabrynabrooklynne

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