Chapter Six

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“Damn.” I muttered under my breath, clearly amazed by his amazing two-month journey that turned him from the guy left for the Zeds to the one saving me from them. (A/N: I’m not going to tell Tom’s story, because my friend Anson [AnsonZombieSurvivor] is writing this same book from Tom’s perspective called “The Second Brotherhood.” If you want to know Tom’s story, it’s a really great book. So go check it out!)

“I know, it sounds weird. But I plan on building my own Brotherhood, one that will survive through everything. But enough about me. How did you end up here like me?”

I took a deep breath and began to relay. I told him about the initial attack and how Carly had saved me. I told him about the tunnels and the training room where I learned how to be a skilled Zed fighter. Lastly, I told him about the fire and how Carly died. He just sat there, clearly impressed. Honestly, I didn't know what there was to be impressed of. I hadn't thought of my experiences as admirable, rather anything but. To me, they were a part of life that I didn't want; yet there it was, thrown in my way. But looking at Tom, I realized that those two months would pay off, and already had begun to.

Not long after I finished my tale, something broke down the door. Assuming it was Zeds, I removed a round from a belt around my waist and began to load up the revolver. As I was loading, I noticed that Tom wasn't shooting. I looked up to see a tall figure- female by the looks of it- standing in the doorway with a gun aimed right between Tom's eyes.

"Don't move. If you can get past me, I got five others waiting for you outside." This woman didn't sound like she was kidding. So, as silently and motionlessly as possible, I finished loading the revolver.

I heard Tom say something under his breath. "What was that?" She asked. But Tom didn't answer. Instead, he shot up; delivering a punch that sent her backwards, crashing to the floor. Then, in one swift move, he pulled out his trench knife, thrusting it onto her chest and punched her hard in the head. I don't know why he was so hasty to put her life to an end. We could've gotten some information out of her. I decided that he had his reasons, and quickly followed him outside. Holding up his Glock, Tom surveyed the area. As the woman had said, there were indeed five others waiting for us. Without a thought, Tom hit them all with his Claymore broadsword. Not so far off, I could hear the crackling of a fire. Before I could wonder if it was Zeds or another human, Tom shouted at me to get back inside and bar the door. Without objection, I ran back inside and prepared to lock the door as soon as Tom got in. Not two minutes after I arrived, Tom was sprinting inside. Immediately, I slammed the door and barred it. We did the same to every door leading into the room. Once that was finished, we sat down.

"Anything else you want to say?" Tom asked through heavy breaths.

"No." Honestly, I just wanted to relax a little. We were obviously safe, and if anything did happen, we could so take it on. Tom was extremely skilled with weapons, and I myself could handle a handgun no problem. I looked over to where Tom was sitting, and noticed his brow furrowed and a pondering expression on his face. As if a light had popped on in his mind, he sat up straight and instantly began rummaging around in his stuff.

"Wanna play an RPG?" He asked nervously. I had no idea that Tom was into that stuff, but I certainly was. Since we had nothing else to do, I accepted. He pulled out a board and pieces, and we began to play.

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