Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

We walked through the sewer, the flashlight being our only light source. The only sounds we could hear were our feet sclorching in the mud, the dripping of water, and the occasional scurry from a rat. I looked at Hadrian, and noticed him repeatedly glancing at Tom, as if he were scared. Finally, Tom broke the silence.

"What's the matter, Hadrian?"

"Nothing," Hadrian responded, clearly irritated by the mock concern in Tom's tone.

After that, no one spoke. We just trudged through the muck, well, until Hadrian decided to make a run for it. He made a sharp turn, heading for a ladder leading out of the dark sewer. After giving him a head start, Tom sprinted after him, catching him not too long after he began the chase. By the time I had run over there, Hadrian was up against the wall, out of breath. Tom tossed the knife he had taken from Hadrian to me, and I put it in my pocket.

"Another knife," I said. "Time for me to search him."

We ended up with 3 knives, two new hidden blades, and a suppressed handgun. I wasn't shocked that Hadrian was carrying these weapons, unlike Tom. I looked over to see him staring at the hidden blades with disbelief.

"Now answer me this. Why were you carrying these?" Tom gestured toward the hidden blades.

"They were used by the leader of the Brotherhood of Life," he choked. "He is considered an international terrorist, so I killed him. These are his."

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Tom's face turned hot with anger.

"Believe what you want, but deep down we both know that son of a bitch deserved it. He was a terrorist, and so are you. If you hadn't caught me off guard I would've captured both you and your whore." Hadrian said. God, he was so full of it!

Tom punched his arm. "AUDITORE WAS A GREAT MAN!"

"That barely human beast was a swine! He never deserved these blades." Tom punched him hard and knocked him out and disarmed Hadrian completely.

He looked at the blades, sadness in his eyes.

"Hanna, I think I owe you for putting up with my arrogance. Here. Take these." He tossed me the wristblades reluctantly. I was shocked.

"For me? You're giving me your comrade's blades?" I asked.

"Yes, I will teach you to use them, have no fear." Honestly, I really had no interest in using these, but I decided to humor him and gave him a convincing smile.

He bought the smile, and returned a real one. "We need to wake him up. Do you have any smelling salts?"

"Yes." I said, and got them out of my backpack. Tom put the salts up to Hadrian's nose, and he jolted awake.

"Terrorist!" he screeched, but Tom hit him again to shut him up.

"Now, Mister Lecter," Tom said like a teacher addressing a misbehaving student. "You may lead on."

It wasn't long, maybe two minutes until we reached the stash. It was in an abandoned store room. So cliché.

"Hanna. Get weapons. I'll get the food." I nodded and jogged to the weapon rack.

I came back with a tomahawk, a saber and two rifles. I handed them to Tom, and he tested them.

"You take the tomahawk, I'll take the saber. We'll leave the rifles. I've got maybe 2 weeks' worth of food. C'mon. Let's get out of here before..."

Tom was cut off by a bullet whizzing right over his head. In one flawless motion, he pulled out his handgun and shot down his attacker.

"Get ready, Hanna," He muttered. "Here we go again..."

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